Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

Opened and /.1ppfie~ pame rh~·.nfelve' (and ar..: gild of It) ·f,o n rh~ fellowthip of rh~ faithful; nay , t b..: Churches of Chrift , rhey ,Jo bot execu{e rhe divine femence of Chritt upon tbemfdvcs in d1<s life , which tl1a ll b~ palt up ">n rbem ar rbe 5rear day; they thall rhen b, parred, and ca!t our ofrhe fami ly of God, the Ch~rch of rh~ t1rtt-born, ofwbi-:h the Churches on e~nh in rhe •r purity are a reiembiance. · Look as it is in J)m,i ni , <1 man d.:parcs fro~n God , and executes upon bimlelf th ·r which ilu J b~ ( rhough·now 'tis nor fdc) hi~ greare!t doo .IJ ; f0 it •s in panino from tb~ Saims; they do bur execute rberr fcmence upon rh..:mfdv<:s; ancl't1cnce , I {ohn 2. 19. Thq ,w:w out Jfom m, th:<t it might 6e made manfefl t bej >~e ; · e r.ot d! •f m ; if ewr they had portion in the Sain ts, they would never have ?arred; not bur that one may feparare from the incurabk corruption; of a true Chu rch, and nor but rhar one may remove fro:n one Church roanorher, provided it be with love, and utmoft care fnr rhe good of rhH wh<:re be was ; and al io, not bur rbat one may ) be forced upon fome fpecia l eau le ro dwell i1 Me(hecl(, and be forced to forfak~ Sacritic!ng, ro lhevv mercy ; bu t I ft>eak of fucb forfa king wh ~ r:in me•l volunrari ly feparat~ rhemfdve> from all rh~ , Churcb ~s of God at lealt, rbou~h not r h~ people of God, 0 4t of a bafe eilee!TI of th~ir feli?Wibip, and a hisb ci!wn of fof!!ething elfe whi<·h they ihall have 1~1rhout 1t ;, rhey r~ ­ gard nor Commumon of Samts , no furrher rban 1t may ferve therr tur'ne' ; and when it will nor ferve thei r turne , then they for- . fake ir . This fepawion it commonly ariferh from certain preparations to it,wbich are the Joofenings of a mansheart from Gods people; Like the Apple, before it falls, it b:gins ro grow loofe from that which holds it. I /hall briefly ihew how this is, that you may be watchful; many not yet fallen , but their hems fit loofe from Churches, and fellowihip of Saints, •and people of God, evenwhen they think their b~arrs lit clofe to Chri!l ; -and I will nt>t name all ·; . fo r part icular" men have their partict•lar temptations ; but what is moft: c6mmon ;'d rhis is one fecret fin , and plague · of men in rhefe Churches , -and there will b: rendings ; Cbri!ls work is to gather, .and Satansever quire contrary1• to fcarrer; and it is a Ruk, Whatis Chrifts greatet.l work, rhe conrrary is chicUt; as when Cbrill is humbling , be is hudning ; when drming to believe, be ro unbdief; when Chrit.l> work is to ga ther and unire, his :s tQ [career, loofen, and divid~; with that foot Chri ll treads <:>n Sara1 moit; there he bites molt. ~ 1. The Lor,i withdraws. rh'ac.honou r and love fron a man, which either he looks fb' , or thinks· be del\:ryes from the· hands and hearts of Gods peop_k ;· eirhenhe¥ are ·nor ~ov~ly, or nor loving to or"ers; whe? rhey h~ve mhu no perfonal worth eo purchafe love, or they have nothmg eo gtve of love in exchange fo r lo~.e ~ or elfe (eo try cltem ) rhe Lord for .a r~me leaves his peop'le eo a blockinmefs of fpirit; their love waxerb cold ; or rhey chink they are not honoUJ;ed , or have not enough'; and fo (ifmen do noc make) Satan will mak'e tHern fcandal s to rhemfelves through their pride of fpirir. I Sam. 15. ~ ~ · Sat<! deft reel, .Honour me b~fdre the P'"P'e, but Samml came not to S'- '!l; b~nce what did Smtl do ? you never read that he came eo, or m1de ufe '· of•Samuel again. We are united to Cbrifl by fairb ,. buc co·rbe S<1inrs l:Jy lov~, and mutual love, ephef. 4·· I 6. T~ke away this muruallove, ttlat you love not others, or they love not you, unlefs youhav~ ChriltsSpirit which was in· Paul, and all the faithful, 2 Cor; n. r6. you wilt fall fecretfy; ·and hence Hebrew; Io. 24, 2~. Pravok.§ one anoth<.r io love' mid good work.} ; fay to one another , Pray .B~orher tell me of rriy raulrs' and your feares; I'le tell you my. heart againe, &c. Bbbb z Tru-