, Opened and Applied. Saints, firia examining of members ? and why nor a forme of P.rayer ? and why not a Ceremony lawful ! and now they want but a temptation, and then they fall. 2 Thef1. z. Io. They receive not the truth in love ; Why not ? l;>ecaufe they fc:ello!S by the rruch , or feel not the fpirirual good of the trijth , and hence are given up to bel ieve /ye1 ; the firH beginning of which is to queHion the Truth , not from tendernefs of confcience, though thatbep.(etended, bu,fromcarnalluH; and hence, E:ukiel u. 24-whofe heart gaes after. that dete1hble tbi_ng, and this ~bey are hardned in; if any oood men by violence of cemptanon fall therem. Thus men fall from feiJowlhip, and lit Jr.ofe; you will fall, if you look noe to it (wh ich I fay is fearful) And as Chriflf•id, B; thi. Jhall "" ~ow y•u are mf D;j6·iplu, zf J•U. IO'lle ; fo all men /hall know you are none of Chrifls, if you fall here, if you. lit loofe , . &c. I have b~e~ fearching and di_fcovering chat which 1s workrng m fundry · , and lles as leaven, call: It our of your doores. · I 197 · I We may fee hence one jufl ground of rhlt diligent and narrow fearch and i!tfe 3· rrial; Churches here do or ihould make of all thofe whom rb~y !'eceive eo be fellow. -members wirh them; the Lord }efus wil .·l make a ve~y !tria feareh 1 1 and examination of wifeand foolilh, when be comes, and will put a difference. b;tween them then ; may not men, not Churches imitate the Lord ' ]efu~ according to their light now ? If indeed all the Co.,gregarion of the. 6ap1i~ed were holy, rhen as Korah faid, The; ta~ too mHch upon. them; i£ Cb,rifl at his.coming , would make neither examination , nor fepararion , not. only, of people baprized ac 1-"rge, but of profelfours, and glorious pro-' fdfouts of his Trur h and Name ; if Churches were n?t fee tb difcerne beqyeen Harlots an,d Virgins, fooliih Virgins and wife, as .much. as in them lies t chat fo fame of the glory of CbriH ~ay be feen, in hiSo Cll.urches here., 1 a,swel!asat chelafi day; rhen rhegacemtghc beopenedwide-.., and flung o'tf che tiinges roofer all corners; and yot1 might call the Churches of Chrift., the Inn an,d Tavet'n of Chrirt w receive al! !Hangers;' if t~ wil~ pay for wha,tth(1y call for , and beare fc~p.n<rllot 111 rh~ Town ; and. noli the: houfe and Temple of Chrill only to encertaine h;s Friends. But {Beloved) rhe Church hach the keyes of che Kingdome of Heaven; and what they binde I andloofe, following the exampl~and ruk of Cbrilt is bound·a;·,d loofed in H~ven, andcbe,y. jaclgem the.l'~om of ~Gilt. I Cor. 5· '~>• 5· z_ Cor. z. /xo. "\.hom rhe Church caHs o~~ .,J and btcls· depart ro Saran , Chnft doth; I wh~m rbe Church re;ceives ro \fr fdf, Chri!t dorh ; we lhoutd receive in none buLfuch as h~ve Vlil1ble right to Chrill:, and- Communion of Saints. None ha.ve right to Chrill inJlio Or-dinances , but r~dras lhaH have Commu" ! nion with Chrif:t at his coming,rqriudge the World; henat if we coold be ; fo. Eag1e-eyed, as ro. t~ i !cer~ ~h~f!l now rraG.are Hypocrites'· we ihould exl ''clude ·them now. , as ChG!H' 1'1'111., becaule tliey. have n'o nght; but tbat we cannot do >. the Lord wiJ.l ther.efore do · it foE his Church~'s ; . yer I Iec t!ie Churches learn from rhis , to do what they can for ·cbe l!Mo { now. ~ _l · ' : There is a foure-f.old Glory.. of ,Ch!ilt lh.irli ng. in .his fopar.aring fool iih ' and wifear the l~Btclill}' ; whia.h wh<m G:hur.:h.es rirrntare:now ,, !:hey pold our . ; now. , · " .:, . I FirQ!, HerebYJ be (hews his-wif~0me, .in difa.overingl rhti foc.re~s of. clarkru:(s', aqcl.all tbe wjJy knor..s m<~n- hilve eyed., to· hamper rhemlelvesin their own miferies; f0 Churches lhei!.'-(G!i6h this ~fi:Joou: r , .rlor only in dtfco.ver-· ing fu,ch wh<mt you QSay fe~l!io \m haify, r.ougli1 Efoues wichrMhons on , bur I fuch as.have J ll~ob; voice, and-ltr4 very wilr; when; rht:-fecrets:o£ his fpt_~ · - . nt