I The Parable ofthe Ten Virginr, rit: are dicoverec:l, they wil! fay, if ;1or proud and pallionare, God is ·in you; hence the wtfdome of Clmll , Rev. 2 . 2. . ~e conrl : y , Hereby the Lcrd Jefus tl1ews h;s hnlinefs, who witpdrawes h ~mfe! f fron: thofe rhat are fooliJl1 , though outwardly moll glorious; for h~ wtll be faPtl:tlied ; , fo the Churches fhad01v o11t the holinefs of Clnifi herein who are bound robe holy as he is holy. . ' . Thirdly , Hereby t~e Lord keeps the Communion of his Saints pll'l'e; th:s IS a wonderful glorx tn H~aven, that only the Elettand faithful of God fhall lie down together; anrl is the la(! and greatefl glory that ever fhall be feen in this world, Revelar .'ons ;!or. 27. One man or' woman fecret ly vile,whid,b the C~ur~h bath not ufed all meanst<l_dtfcover, may defile awhole Church, and bnng tt under wrarh,as A chsm, and mak~ work and fo rrow enou~h for ma- · ny a day and year after, and bnng that blemtl11 ard fcandal aswinnor ea!ily be worn off again, and then men willwitl, that rhey had kept their communion pure. Foun hly, Hereby the Lord abunJar.tly vouchfafes hi s pn:fence ro his people in Heaven, when the Go~ rs are feparared; now come and rake your fill of love , and poliefs yot:r Kmgdome ; fo the <:;hurch hereby gaines more of rhe prefence of Chnfl }Hus JO publtck ar.d pnvate; when ; ud.u is · Pone ~ut, now Chrill comforts the hearrs.of his ~ifciples; when the Lor~ hath hts S;·oufe a'one , rhen he fpons htmfelf 1\trh her. I(n iah "'· lt ."t. When all in 7erufalem are holy , there fiull be a Cloud and Pillar of frrioak on all their Habitations. And therefore not only the Churches tl10uld do thus, but a·godly holy heart will de!ire it ; it's the end of his coming that he ma)' odearchec!J; better had men lie tried and examined ' now, rhan -by Chrifi anorherday. r '. .. < • . Obje&ion 11 But; we m#ft look_ not to what m "7 be d·ne , but to whlft muft •beid~ne ; ' Chur<he; have power to caft out them that h bad . :bHt. what pow,e"P to . ksep out them that be Baptiud , nnd have a nil~e t'o b; good? '•L , efi'!'f1Pe'l 1/ Chrilt dorh lnor only fhut out Harlots , bur protef- ·fing Viigins ;' which example is robe imitated now fo farre as we can ; So_r on rhe fam:e ground Chrifi ·excludes1 , we have the fame if we know rhem. r ·; 2 . TheA1'oflle ispunetualforir, 2Tim. 3· 5· fpeakingofrhela(tdayes, Hav ing a forme of .g•dfi,e(? ,"turn IIWa}'fi'om [Hch ; Hefairh nor, l etthem in, and turn to rhem; and if they pro~e evil members, cur them off, and turn them from you ; bur turn away from them; He faith nor, If rhey be prophane, or not baptized , and cannot-fay, I was humbled, and now I believe; but which is more , if they have a forme , under whofe garments of ·profellion you will ever fee fome of tbofe fares, Pfn!.2. 3· ' · 3. Rev. •· 2. Irwas accounted part 'qf 'the wtfdome and power of grace of the Ephejixe Church whicht tied th~m' 1vhich faid. Thq were- Ap,ft les, ll'(d had found -them lyars ; . they could not creep m there , bur rhey,were fonnd our. · . . ·• • · · - 4· ln the J erufalem come down from Heaven ; it's pa rt o£ r:1:: glory of it to cafl our. rhe unclean; 'but Rev. :n: :h. r.othint, lmiers thaein whichu smdeiltn; .and are nor they to be irnirared now in rheir glory, who are fe r our forchar end ? • . ··· ' 9· To omit allotherproofs, [ee - J!~ekjei 44. 8, 9·,: The}poflle g.ives a fad charge, Hebr. 1 :3.. I 51 Look_, d•llgently, left a root of vtrter~e(? g·~w ..Ur r the Apoltle cloth not fay, 'Tis no marrer•whar roots you fer m; Chn!ls Garden; only when rhey fpring up,, and begin to feed and· infect others, henhaveacare of rhem; but •look rherebenota root there ; truly fO\ve . ~