~ ~------------------------------------------- 1 :200 The Parable cftbeTenflirginr, Ob). 4- liut )0" may in wudir.,'!, om the T•re1, pu/J "P the WfJe.<t, tmd k_up OMt , theg•d!; in f,tch Jlri/1 f e.•rchmg s. c/ir-fw . I . 'Tis true ; and rhe WJnr cf rendernefs and love to rhem thJ r be Cbri !tsLamb>and B:1 b~s , having much i!'no~ance, and carnalnefs , out of zealtn fome, nor gu1r!"d ar:gh ~ ; and pride in orh~ rs, clefpi fing thofe rhar are of mean;:: r gifts thJi1 rbemkli'es ; or b~cau fe of fome weaknelle ' ., which if they were convinced of, would foon lament and amend ; and ro b~ fori - ~orous toward them, wlll not be fuifered by Jefus Chri(!, if conrinued it,· by Chttrches ; l-leuce Church~s mttlt b~ Watchful vainfl: this : And 1 then ' " i 2. If ~hey follow the li ght, are weak with them that are weak , and firo.,. g. wtth them t har be i\r<:ng, and are all things to all men, and gain ali i to Chnll ; look as the recetvmg of J!l memlx::s /hall noc be laid to thei r : charge: ro burr them , fo ror the ex,clud; ng of fome that are good. And this\ l'le add, The Lord may fee in fome goodpeople rhar are about ro joyn themfelves ro the Chu rch, that vvhi th makes them fir ro defiroy a Church; nor to build up a Church, as in cafe of fome fecr<!t fi n nor fufficiemly repented i of, and fome decay of the !ir!T love, Rev. 1 . ) · and the Lord by thi s means ~ may recovenhem by Word or Rod under wirneis of rhe Church a2ainH them; and hence many fay , If I had rhen come in, 1 lhould have 'been prood 1 andvile. Ob;. )· But there are man7 odd confeffianJ 6; tho(e r!Jat are rm ived, nJ?d e:t·- ! tnwag ant enl•rged d1feour(es ofthe J Cf t ime of thrir cmv, rfian, ai:d their 1\e- j ve!at:'ons., and ill Application of Scnpture which mak.!s f uch lamr doin(Ts , anJ. j "re 1Pearijome and uncamely. . ' "' ~ .Anjw. So I would fay, There may be manyweakneifes in an Ordinance, lhall I therefore defpife or caH off an Ordinance? 1 could rhen cafi away all, and my own life, ar,d foul too , when I had done; No , lamem them , and beale them. I confefs it is nor fir thar fo holy and folemn an Atfembly as a I Church is, lhould be held long wirh Relations of rhis odd rhmg and tO-· rher, nor hear of Revelations and groundlefs joyes, r. or gather togerh~ r rhe heap, and heap up all rhe particular paflages of thei r Jive~, wherein rhey have got any good ; nor Scriptures and Sermons , but fuch as may pe of , I fpe•ial uf~ unro the people of God, fuch thi ngs as rend to lhew, ThusT wa so i humbled, then rhus 1 \\as caUed, · then rhus I have walked, rhougb with rna- ! ny wc:aknelles fince, anJ fuch fpecial providences of God 1 have feen,remp9~ i rions gone rhroush, and rhus rhe Lord harh delivered me, blelfed be his Name, j &~.have done; let all Gods people, Warthmen en Gods walls , flill be I watchful and careful ; there be remprar ions enouzh to make men fill and J . pefier Gods Houfe with Swine; one barb his friend , and his aff~.:tion leads i him ; another he is aman of eaate, and his money is in rhe mouth of his i Sack ; another thinks there is one bad enough, bur vve /hall do wdl enough / with them ; Oh take heed of rhefe things!· methinks a godly man il10uld I abhor the opinion , ar !call, if it was bur for this reafon ; v i:10. ir is fo / fuitable FiJil, To a proud man; lhalll Hoop ro Churches , and give an i account of my hearr and courfe ro rhem? 1 am a§ good as th~y. Secondly, i Tp Apollaresfrom Churches; who when rhey are gone , then they give way 1 ro thefe conceits, You are roo 116Cl:, and are loth to confefs rheir falls afterward. Thirdly,And Lib:rrines,vvho cry out,Why Dmr you your Gates fo clofe, tharSwine.and Sheep, Sheep and Goats, anq all their Herds and ·Herdfmen I come nor 1r1 ? No, the Lord vv!]J feparare one day ; do what )'QU can there1 fore, you tb~ r are in Chrifis fiead now. I I Boall