Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

---------··-~---- Opened and Applied. Boa[t no~ of Church-priviiedges only, I am aChurch-member,and now all is well; fay nor, We haz·•. '4lmt7n' to o11r .F ~tther ; . cry nor the Temple of the Lord , and all the Chn[hans m rhe Church rhmk well of me ; for Chri!t )efus wilt make a fepara rion one day (all is nor Fi£h rb1r comes tG the Nee) and then berrer never have known what Church fellowlhip means andyer bea\1 the wh: leaHr~ng~r ro<;hrilt; rhou rbinke!t ~11 have given' their approbation of rbee ; fo m chanry they may; bur yer It may be fome havebadfecrer feares, anddolefulrhou;hrs of cby ellare; and whar have they done ? Even as we do wi<h rhofe we cannot ca[t by any inferiour Courrs, we pur rhem over ro ~tried by rbe Highe(l Court of rhe _-Kin~dome; and that is very dreadful, If thetr cafe he bad; fo here, one rhmks It a fhame to live our ' and hence for to ferve his honour' fers himfelf up rlier!! ; another wants Marriage, and chat's the way ro ir; another chinks of his gaine in a TOI'Vn, inFields, or in thop, hence delires ic; anorhers confcience is only troubled for wanr. of a Sacrament, hence would come in, and rhere they fit Hill ; oh takeheed of rhi~. ' Hence fee rhe~e is need of converlion in fome Church-members ; Did you ever fee aChurch-member converted? faid one, as if rhen the bitrerneis of death was pafl, when once in rhe Church ; fome fhould look about rhem herein ; I'le only give rhis Rule, Be alway converting, and be alway converted; rurn us again 0 Lord; When a man rhinks, I was humbled and comforted, I'le not lay all by, and fo live on old Scraps ; Oh beware of that frame! not·rhata Chriaian £11ould b~ alwayes pulling up foundations , and ever doubting; bur to make fure , be alway converting , more humble: , more fenfible of ftnne, more near to Chri/l Jefus; and then you that are fure , may be more fure ; and you that are not , may be fure m deed. Of tbankfalnefs tp all Gods people called to Chri!t, that he fhould make a fepararion berween you and others ; this is the woncler and Diamond of Gods Ring of love compalling alhhe Saint~,-in feparating therp. fr.o,m()thers. Mal. I. x, z, 3· WM not Ejau Jacobs brother ? yet I loved one, ttnd hated the orher. Pfal . 78. 67, 68. He c:·ofe not the Trihe t>f.Ephraim ,· hHt Judah; and rhere was Sion, . and th_ere David ; ~o for the Lqrd ro choofe :_ thc:e, and leave fo many choufands In rhe World, IS mercy; ' but ·ro choofe f thee, and leave many of the Town where thou live/l, that's more . · rhar ' bad fome meanes, and were better in birch ,1 place , and parts, than •rhee; butto choofe thee from thy friends, two grinding in a Mill, and lying in a bed, one taken, tocher left, is more; but of profelfors; and glorious ones 1 too, whom thou dolt highly elleem, to choofe thee, and leave them ; ro · open to thee , and fhut the door'olgainfl them, rhis is indeed wonderful ! if thou an one of thefe , he hath made thee thankful for it ; Oh this the mark andCro1'Vn of glory, and fruir of the Lords old·love, for his _openino ·of thyeyes, and changing rhy heart, thee refl and peace on his Sgn. -----:---. ---.. ------------~----- VERSE I?· W~rch. 201 - J Vfe 4· THat all the · ChH.rchesof God11re hound to be verywat'"hfu/, PJ confder- Ohforvlltion, ;.,g tilt Par,ahle,of.thefe foo/ ijhi!Tirgins. • Q!_cll. 1. A g amft what jht~ll they watch? eA nf w. r . Againll fecurity, and dead-he~rrednefs. Cccc z. Again!l