Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

202 1 The Parableofthe Ten Virgins, 2. Again!l: fleightnefs and !l1a!lownefs of the work of gr~ce in rhem. Qtelt. 2. For wh;zt fh~uid they watch ? . 1nt1¥. For_rhe ble!fed appearjng, and glorious coming of Chrifl Jefus. arhtsfirHcomwg, l P!t. I. 10, II, r;. tbey.fearcb2d after, and wai[ed for his coming , and rejoyced· to fee rhac day; fo D1ould w~ no.v for his fecond. 0f exhortation to thefe Chu.rches in N. E. Oh be watchful, Firft, AgamlHecumy. Monves. 1. Becaufe 'm the Jalt fin as Y.ou have he~rd, which furprizeth S1ints; a Chrifiian at firH conv~rlion , flnves and gets mall.ery over many !ins, bur fome are very hard, rnat h~ cannot overcome rhem ; and becaure he cannot hence like rhe Jfrae/J·m , be is ready to think the wora is pact, and I canno~ be better ; and hence lies fecure, and makes rruce with !in; 2~ 'Tis a very dangerous fin ; What reinprarion may nor a man fall inro and be overwme with , when )le is !leepy <nd fecure ? A!hong man rhar i; a!leep, may nor a childe, any weak enemy cur his Thro~r, or pick his Pockets? it may be when awakened he may recover his loifes, bur ir is fad for ihe prefent with him ;. fo ~ere. . . , 3 , It is a mort bewtrcbmg !in; becaufe nothmg 1s [o fweer as !leep, and the fweerer ,·the ftrocger, amJ the worfe. · 4 . 'Tis the remp~arion of this place. L Becaufe when Churches grow fecure, then all begm to flumber;elfe one mtght awaken ~ll. 2. Becaufe here's pea<:e; we have our eaf~t, an~ our pillows, and feather- beds, and are out of the noife of perfecurion; and hence !leep, and warch not; ar~ feclli"e and dead-hearred, and pray no1; ; our hearts dye, and prayers dye by this means. <· Becaufe of many fad weaFi\ome Trials, and heavy lo~ds; '~is hard ro Iiv~ fpr lome, and rhfcir bodie.s are weak, and cares, and ditt'mchons many 1· and oriefs from fervanrs rudenefs, &c. exceediag; and debts come upollmen • for row made rhe Difciples eyes heavy, Luk! :u. 45· The poor loaden horfe V'ih~n fpur.gdl'~, {\nd tbe Load heavy, a~d Legs weary 1 ' hQ will lie do'wn in the high way 1 ull reft and prnven~er pe giVeJ;l bun. • . . · . 5 •. Oh therc:fore blelfed.are ye If you endure temptation, and warch one hour in this pla~e and wne. I tell you the Lord wtll f~t thee down ., . a,nd thee, ,and give thee what thou calleH for. · Secondly, , J\,gainft fleightnefs, and an hoverly work; Morives. ;~-. Many IMking af£er Chrill;,deceive rhemfelves here; here is their wound; · they have fome rafle of !ins binernefs, and fome ra(le of Cbrill, and fome affe&ionsi but the life of Chri(l they wane; notehat all mull have the fame meafure; butwnliderofwhathath been opened to you; Ohthefecolours, I fo:mes, and.fig.ures, and images.> and pageants, and pi&ures, and names, ana pamts, and g,tla1~gs, are the unCiomg of many. z. Confider rhe example of ])-avid, who though a Prophet, yet delires, 0 thAt I mightfee the L.rd in·hi< hofl[e 1 'Paul r.eached after more and more; as for his prize, he made work of is. ' ;. Chrilt is full, and harhenough Spiri[; oh therefore feek for more! if you knowrhis gifr, and ask, he will give Rivers of waters; Young Chrill.ians, look to .your felves as you wax old ; what is become of your gold? why doth I Copper appear now, in comparifon of what it bath been ( lt may be) formerly? · · . · · · Thirdly, For Cbrilts coming; Motives. r. This is rhe beginn~ng of glory ; Ad11m looked only for his happinefs in • • an earthly Paradife, but youareheirsofan htavenly, T1t. 2. q. \ . z. You have nothing elfe to lookfor; ifonly of the things of this world you might look for your ponionh!ile, it Weie ano,her matter ; but now when --~----~--~----------------~·--------~-~--==-~==~~c=al=k~d-