Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

The 'Parable of the and fo by lamps may be meant minds enlightened and kindled by the word. The eminenrprofeffion and excellencies of the Church is like a lamp, Ifai. 62. r. and more rarr!cularly may ~e her~ inc_luded and aimed at : bur in chis _ve;fe lamps are fpoken oft~ general ,_mclud~ng hghr_,Oyl,~elfels; and hence I gtve.rhis general Inrerprecauon here, mtendwg Parncu~ars If need be afterward: So chat now I lhall only raife this Poinr. . SECT. II. Doc1. THat allth>[e that«re Efpoufed unto Chrift, ought to be in a miflant or continual readinelfe to meet Chrift, and to have immediate communio" with Chrift. A \Voman may be Efpoufed ro another , and yet {he may be fomecimes not re.tdy eo meet him, her foul apparel i>on. So here , rherefote 'cis nor enough eo be efpoufed unto Chrift, but being efpoufed , now you ought to be in acontinual re.1dine!leco clafpe chelord in your arms , and m lay your he.1ds in his bofomt:!in He.wen : this is commanded by Chri(t , Mat. 24. 44· This was che mighty power ofGods Grace in P aut, when others were weeping eo chink of his Bonds, wh7do you break..m! heart, I am read! not •nlytobe bound, but to dye .f•r Chrijr, and fo douocle(fe eo be with Chri!t ; much more ready eo meet Chrilt when ever he lhall come , ready to welcome Death , much more ready to welcome Chri!t, Ails zx.q. This alfo is cheend of Johm MinWry, Luk§ I , IJ. To make ready apeople prepared for the Lord, eo meet wirh ChriH on earth; Now he is gone, our work is to prepare a people to meet the Lord in Heaven. Hence rhis is put in as the differe11ce between Velfels of wrath, and Velfe!s cf Gk1ry: che one are fined for . de!truction , the others are fitted , prepared, or made ready for Glory, and rhe9loryof ~ chrillian is chiefly eo enjoy fellowlhip immediat!y wich Jefus Chrifl. There is many a foul dear unto Chriit, and efpoufed ro him, and hath his hem affe6ted eo think of the good rime chat is coming, when we fl1all ever be with the Lord: hut ask, are you ready yet for to go ro him, though it be rh;ough fire<, waters, thorns, for rows , death it felf? who can fay yes? but(fay mens hems) lhutthe Lord our a little longer, let nor the door Rand open yet; yet this mu!f be : And therefore for explicacions fake, let me, I. lhew youwhen the Smd is in a re,1dinelfe for the Lord Jefus. 2. The reafonswhy there mu!t be acontinual re,1dineffe. SECT. liT. VVHen io the Soul in areadinejfao e_njoy Chrift ? . . . f2.!!.efl . As there are four things wh1ch make achn!ttan unre.1dy, {o thiS reaA ;t[w. dinc(fe confifts in Four things contrary. · 1. That which make; a chriHian unready for him, are thofe firong fears, and jealoufies, and dampina doubts of the love of Chri!t t0 him. The foul happly harh made choice of hi~, is comem with him, melts into wonderment and love to think chat he fl1ould !ol'e him : what me ? and Chri!t hach writ him on his hearc, and on the palms of his hands; bHt Jfrael faith, my Godhath f.rfakfn me, my God hath forgotten me, Ifai. 49· r4· Is it po!lib!e? is it credible ? one that hath been fo vile, I) ne that fii!l h.1 rh fuch a hearr,for llim to fee his heart on me? furely no : hence rhe Soul is afraid ro dye, and defires roo much to live )Hill : and the more he thinks of that time, and bleffedneffe of following the Lamb where-ever he goes; the more he fees and fe,us this may po/Iibly never be my portion: there may be fo!ne falfenefs in my he .m towards him chat I never yet faw , fome fecret knoq