Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

42 ' T'he'Parable ofthe m--yh,--e.-u-r-to--,-fc-e,-w...,..h.,...ic.,..h -lh....,al-1 n-1-..,-ak-e o-t.,-he-rs-r-re'-m-;-b1 :-e-ro--:-b~eh;-o-,-ld;-h~i-m-; -:0:-:-h-ci:-t_m_ul_l-bel : a de.1r love, a ft>nug of running love wirhout me.1fure '· Elr rh is is th<! difference· between atfecciom of Saints and Hypocrites to Chn!t, rbe one ariferb like a · morning dew which is foo11 Jickt up by the Sun, H•f· 6. 4· the he.:t of affection; ' afrer orhenhings licks it up; bur rhe love of Saints to Cbritt i; like afpring wh'cb riferh to everlalting life: a fpcing is but little, bur yet the fmber it zoes, the wider 'ris, rill at la(t 1\val\owed up in rhe Sun, and there is no meafure of IV,lter: ro Sainrs have but a little love, but rhe longer they live, rbe moi'tl enlaraed for Cbrill:, and there is no meafure, bur all is too little, they never can, never0do love enough, forh.1rlookas 'risfaidinanorherc.1fe, Pfalm Ioz. 13, 14. 'Tu rime fllY thee to build up Jerufalem, i.e. to remrn ro thy people in thy Ordinances , for they love theftoneJ; fo rhen it's rime for Ch:i!tro eo:ne , and then rhe fer and fit 1 rime is co:ne for at eople to meet wirh Cbri{~ our of Ordin.mces , when the fer ' rime is come when theylove Ordinances, and love Chri!t much more. When a 1 man is gone beyond Se1, and all his Friends and eitare are at ho:ne, they Iona f'lr him, and he is left among ene·.nies : why comes he not to them ? why fend" nvt ,they for him? whyrheyknow beisfickly, and c.1nnor live on the dyer of the country; hence he is unfir to co:ne, bur when that i> once co11ero paffe char he cm live only on ir,tben he is re.1cly when-ever they fend:fo when men can live with · and be content .1lone wirh CbriH and his love, now they arc fi. With what fac~ ! t:.m aman apre.1r before Chritl, when he requir.:s nothing bur love, and he h.1rh I not rh.1r. 1 3. Then a man is umeady for Chriit, whiles he neg!etts the work of ChriH for I fuppofe a man bath fomeimvard love ro Chrilt, yet neglects & harb nohe.m rd do I rhe work of Cbri!t : . be is as yet no more fit to meet Chri{t, rh.m a Srew•rd who I j luth had much b~rru!led ~1im, to improve far ~is Lords u~e, and he hatb let all I . fe~fons go wberem he m1~ht have traded for htm, and gamed focr.ewbar to him. How can he apFear before himwhen no fair accounts to be feen; fo rhe Lord harh j 1 berru!ted thee with many Talems,time·,lhengrb,,&c.& you are nor Lords, t· i bUJ: Stewards of all rhefe. Now do you n:>: let many fair fe.1fon; and winds blow / by, you have ( i~ e~~ouied to Chn£t) eYery man fo:ne,work.. Now how :m y0u \ Hand befo:e CbnH :t th.1r be negle.:ted. Ob thus m IVlth many cbn!liam ; 1 hence thole fad .Jia:wm of c~nfcience, and fhaking> ofGods Spirit, afre• rnmy I loofed,ye; dipt in fome good duties. Wh.1t daft thou tharotbers do nor thJt never l11all fee Cods f.,ce in Heaven? Now rherefo•e then rbe foul is ready for rbe L:>rd, wheR'ti>d.1ily at ir, finithingGods work: hence John 17. 5· I have finijhedmywor'z? now glorifie me: Chri!t hJth given us our live•, work, d,1yes-work, every hours work , fvr ChriH harh C\ler e·nploymenr; no.vthough a foultmy hvelong, and c.mnor finiil1 its lives work, yet if it finitl1 its d.1yes work, or hours work, it may bwe c,)mforr then if rhe tord lhould co-ne. Th.1u loe>k as 'ris with aMminer when he h.1th his Fraiohr, now kr rhewind co:ne t') drive hi:n our ofrhe Haven, be is re.1dy ro depart~ fo here, 2 Pet. I. S, 9, 10, I I. If ye do theft things , ttitd abaund, an open entr11na (hall b~ miniflred unto you, i. t. when a cbriltian is ever aeting for Ch rifi, and .:ddingone Grace roanorher in biscourfe, then he is fo re1dy rh1 r an ope<~ entrance is made for him: Therefore look after this. 'Tis with moll: Pr.lfetfors corn- :n:>nly,a> 'rinvith aWo·nan thlt love> her Husb3nd, and begin; to dretfe her felf, but fo much buGneOe to do, rim fhe do rh it bur by flans; hence call her never fo Lve, ll1ewi!l f.1y ll1e i; nor yer re.1dy, il1e h.1rh fo much ro do !l1e canl10t; fo 'tis !-.ere: Or as 'tis in a h0u,fe where all thing> are in a lumber, and many rhing< wrapr up and pm inro ho!es, fo long as all things be in a lu:nber, there is no readinetfe. So a foul h.uh a hem fir to receive Chrifl, but all things are I in a lu'Tlber, in a confufion, out of pbce and order, and hence not yet ready to entemin Chri!t, but when this work is done, then re,1dy. Oh berime; do this , work, fer things to rights in your foul>. 4· Then ,