Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

TO .THE EADER; A~d Efpecially to _the Inhabitants of j A M'BR· I D GEl IN • 3\{__,E.IP-E :J\(fj LA 3\L'J?· _' Hat to make fure of Life Eternal, is the one neceffary Bufinetle, that we Sons of death have to do in this world , and without which, all our time here is worfe than lofl , every enlightned rriind will eafily acknowledge. This prefent life being by I the Rule of it, appointed but to this end, I to be preparation· time, fpent in a conti· I null care to make ready, that we might ___ ---- - have a good meeting with him who fhall I · be feenin this Aire one day. And whe~ ther we look up toHeaven, or down to Heil ; wher her we reflett upon l our own immortal fouls, or turn our eyes toward the.Greatndi€ and Goo~neffe ofthat God in Cbrift with whom we have to do; whether we pace over the time between this and Judgment-day, or fend our thoughts to view the Eternity that is to follow,after. All things pu-t a Necefiiry, a Solemnity, a Glory upon this work. Bur, Difficitill qu.e Pulchr11: It is one of the Oracles·uttered by our Lord with his own mouth, Strait it the GaU, and TJarrQW is the lVII] that leadeth unto life, andferv there bethat find it. It is not fo eafie athing \ to get eo Heaven, nor fobroad a w2ythirher,• as the flight and loofe Opinions· of fome, and ·PraCl:ifes of more would make ic, nor as the cJrnal beam oLill would have it. Though tluc (if id)e examined ) is the common Scope of all Erroneous Conceits (and how i-eftlefiy A 1. have