ten Virgins Opened and Applied~ z. Hence it foLow1.:frer convedion, though the \Vill is changed, fo that a man would but ca n~or d'l many things, Ex infirmitate, yet ~he great caufe why he cannot do more is from the ;emnam of !11alignity not yet removed. pt. man will fleep, he loves it, and t:.=c:e:ly !oaths the wayes of r~eLord: ~ence the Church, I(ai. 63. r7.co.nplains ofrh1s: A man !hall find hts heart. Wills the end exceed-• ii1giy, bur when he corr.esro WLll the means, r~ere ~ts hearus wea:yofchem, and !oar h>them ; a man will be careleffe , and rh1s bemg nor feen , 1s not fought a- , aainl:t. Sin is ,j!ified, and hence the enemy to all good remains Gill. It's an ~Id Rule, Tantum poffumm, quantu_m volumm. S~et Chrill: co he~p here. 3· Make rhis your !aft end, to hve unto Chnft, and eo do hts work : Hence Paul did not account his life dear; this is your !aft end) for t\1<; end ofbeing born by Faith, nay of being redeecned by Blood, 'tis to live unto Chrift, Tit. 2. ll,, When you cry for Faith, and Peace, and Affurance , rhat is not your end, for he I that cloth fo is a very Hypocrite, and harh a falfe hem , but 'ris eo live to ChriH: Hence Paul, Phi!. 3. 9, 10, 12, I3. foughtro be found in him, but further m know him, &c. The Father is glorified in our bringing forth much Fruit. Hence make it your latt end, and then your happine!fe will lie in aCl:ing rhus, and that tlm is a mms hJppine!fe he is carried to with moll: infinite delivhc. For pre!fe people to do Ch1ifis work, their hearrs are dead,tdl rhem the Lord Jefus !hall have a Name .by wharchey do for him, yet dea'd , becaufe though they fee ir good, yet rhey place noc their.happintffe there, becaufe that is not their !aft end. .But come to rhis, now ir will do; a man cannot bear a cro!fe, yet let him confider, the Lord !hall gain though I do not ; {o for Faith, fo for any other duty. Men think ir good, bur nor their grearefl good. He_nee fee Chri!t better than rhy felf ~ and his honour better rhan rhy glory f0r ever. Hence rhe Lord denies us help, becaufe we ask it for our Lulls, noe for himfelf, Jm1m 4· 3· 4· Keep thofe glorious apprehen!ions of the Lord and his wayes, which you have fometimes in an Ordinance : You are fometimes near rhe Lord, and you then fee a beauty in Chrifi, in his wayes, and then thinkeft ilia\l I ever wrong him ·more ? then you_ come ont and lofe your Ii;;hr, and fo you ever lofe y0ur flrenarh and life. Hence Eph. 5. r I. 'ris as wirn a man rhat ears , but he loofeth ~d fpends his fpirirs, he can do no more work, bur faints away: fee z Pet. z. 9· Steven can be content m have Hones about his e.ars, when he can fay, J fee Jefm. And hence when rhofe glorious apprehenfions come into your minds,ftamp them there, for fer up other Images ofother things in y0ur minds , and your hearts will bow down every moment to rhem. Dorh nor Chril:ts Spirit do all? yes , but by this medium, z Cor. 3· I8. Asb;the Spirit ~f the Lord. SECT. IV. AFter you have done your ":ork be ever humble, and be ready ro give Ufo · 4 • the Lo~d the h~nour of h1s Grace, that ever he gave any thing to you, OfExhorh that ever he dtd any rhmg by you; for the la!t end of all the EleCl: •ris ro admire and honourcbe riches of Gods Grace,Eph. I. 5, 6, Hence the Fallwas permitted .ne_ver fhould Grace ~ave been feen, if !in and mifery had nor come in. Now if t~ts be Ot~r lat1 end tn Glory, then the heart is ready ro have immediatefellow!hip With Chn!t there, when 'ris ready ro act for its lafi end. .Hence it's frequent in the Pfalms, waen J?a'!'id was in any ftrair, wanred any mercy , nay the prefcmce ro~~e Lord here, thiS IS the laH end he purfues ) the !all: word be fpeaks before the 'My foul fhalttlif[ethee, as Pfalm 6j. 3, 4· and hencewaen all his enemies werefubdued, and he ready to lay all in rhe duH, heaives the Lord all z Sam z~ per totnrn. and 23. ; • Beloved , this is Heavens work, Oh learn this Son a bef;~ you go there, which none can learn but the Redeemed and Sealed of rh~ Lord • I ~ Rev.