Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

8o , 'The 'Parable of the there are four forts of them, rhar fpin the fineH thread of deceit to themfelves, chat think rhey believe when yer rhey have uor rhe Son. 1. Thofe that donorclofewith himfelf, buronlycomero him for fome ri0hteoufnefs our of himfelf (for I !hall not fpe 1k of them that forfake all, and foll~w C?ri!~for thebagg and for. the loaves) for 'tis with all men living naturally,as 'tis wnh men that have been nch fhoF·keepers , but now they are broke, and cal1: into great ~ant; Heal they will nor, digg rheycannor, begg they know not how; rurn Prenttce to another they mull not , they have not been ufed to that life; het1ce they refolve to fetup their Trade again, though they fell bur Pins, and Poinrs,and [mall Wares; and becaufe ~hey cannot fet up for themfelves , they go umo Merchants to help them, and ru11 into their Books on rrufi , and defire day and patience, and theywill_pay them all again_: now 'tis nor the man that th<:y reffeCt, but to make up tbetr markers out of htm; but alafs th~y cannot pay their Debts, and hence to Prifon they go : fo 'tis here , God fer up Adam with a flock in his own hand, now he is broken and cafl into great Want, and fears the arrefl of Gods difpleafure, now fin men dare nor, digg :md help themfelves rhey cannot, and to bcgg and live upon the Lord and his Alms they know not bow, indeed they will no~, they are not ufed ~o this life ; hence feekro fer up their Trade again, though m never fofmall dunes; and becaufe they cannot help themfelves, hence they go roChriil, nor as roan Husband for himfelf, but as to aMerchant to fer rnem up again : and truly Chrifl for many ends, and ro fhew his freene!fe ro his own, gives many Talents to fuch , which they receiving hope to pleafe the Lord by; when lean get the Lord rogiveme fome more know!edg, brokennelfe, aff)- t1ions, enlargemenrs, abilities to do, then I hope I !hall pleafe him: buc either they [fend all and fall away ro nothing before they dye, or elfe Death corm:; and carries them capnive to the judgement-fearof God, and there they fee they are run but the deeper in Debt , and nor able to pay. Thus it is with Papi11:s who profefs that none of their own Works·fave, but his works in us, and his Blood meri(ing, that rhefe !hall fave. Hence they truflnor to what they do, but to whar the Lord does, again!l: which very Faith the Apoflle difpures, Rom. 4· ~. Thus ir was with the Jews, divers defpifed Chrifl, and fought a righreoufnefs of their own; others cryed Lord, L1rd: Lord there be rhefe !ins that wring my Confcience, eafe me of them, here be rhef<:duries I mull: do, elfenever faved, and my heart is dead, Oh affeCl: me, and help me to do them : there be fuch works I am to perform,and have no lhengrh to Pray, to Prophe!ie,Lord allifl me, Mat.7. 21, 22. Depart, I k?fow you not, never accepted of you, you thought thefe would pleafe me , you dofed nor with me, Oh now depart from me, from my fellowfhip, my bofom, my prefence : for this is ever their frame, they think to pacifie God by what they do , and though they think his juflice cannot , yet they ho?ethere is fuch indulgence in his mercy tharhe will accept. Thns it was, Ifai. 58. 2. forthis is their temper, they are nor wounded with the wanrofChriflhimfelf, but with fome jar)"ings againfl the Law, for which they fear they mufl dye. Hence not feeing into tl:le fpiritual nature of the Law, they are w-:>unded, not flain by the Law: they hope they fhalllive if they can leave fuch fins, Ferform fuch duties, feel fuch abilitic<. Now having made uryal at home, they go ro Chrifl, and feek himwith delight for to work rbis or tbat,and then they are well: now if rhey do nor receive at prefent, then rhey hope by feeking ro find in time , if he cloth not help them, then they !hall be well. Hence they ever live in fome fin, and know ir not,as thefe did, and as the young man, M Rt. 19. And thus 'tis, as 'tis wirh two Princes, or.~e is in trouble by inroders, he fends for aid to another, but •cloth not ca!t down his Crown, and pu~ himfelf in !ubjeetion ro tbe other. So men will be Kings, and hence fend for aid againfl" the inrodes of fome fin that 11:ings Confcience, but put not them[elves under the Lord Jefus. Bring rhofe mine enemies hither, L"~ 19. 27. In one word; as the Wound is, fois my clofing with Chrifl: