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hi CIVIL EMPLOYMENTS. 5 to behave and carry it fell in Civil employments For when you fee how you do, and may ho- nour God in following them, your fpirit will not be fo unquiet, if at any time you embrace not the fuggeflions of the other. i. For the frr/i briefly ; all good motions and thoughts are not the fpirit's motions as may thus appear. ' There be three things chiefly by which we may difcern the motions, fuggeflions, and thot's which come from God's fpirit : all which concur- ; ring together in a good action, or thought, or word(not one alone) will make difcovery whether they are from God's fpirit or not. I. If it be fuggefted for God's ends, its from God's fpirit : to ad fo high as for a fuper- natural end, mutt arife from a fupernatural prin- ciple, which only is God's fpirit. Pharifaical actions were for a double felfifh end, and hence not from God's fpirit, but nature, and their own fpirit, Y. To be feen of men. 2. If they did any of them abhor this, yet it was to purchafe and gender in their own minds an opinion of hoiinefs before God : and hence Chrift gives them this Item, in giving Alms, that they fhould not let their right hand know what their left hand doth : for man' men will do good ads, leaft they fhould by the neg- led of them, think themfelves hypocrites, and fo be troubled for them. Chrifl would have us not to take notice of what we do for fuch an end. 2, If they be animated and quickned from God's