Shepard - BV4500 S53 1747

é Of ORDERING thr THOUGHTS ffeps, ever and anon to look up to heaven and to behold the face of God, to whom only therein we are to approve our felves. But yet it teems your thoughts are fo far from being fubfervient the one to the other, that you are diftra&ed and molefted, and your piece interrupted, arid your Chriftian courfe made troublefome, and an heavy burthen ; which furely cannot be by the yoke of Jefus Chrift : therefore you muff firff bring your troubles in this particular to this iffue ; either you may follow your Civil affairs, and nourifh thefe thoughts as helps to main- tain. your peace, and make you heavenly minded in them, (and if they ferve fuftciently to fuch an end, why are you troubled with them ?) or elfe you cannot follow God comfortably in civil anions, unlefs you banifh from your thoughts which do fo miferably diftran you ; and then why do you fear you shall grieve God's fpirir, if at the fame time you do not give entertainment to them, the unfeafon- ablenefs of which, (peaks plainly they came not from the fpirit's fuggeftions ; betides their hindrance of comfortably walking with God, which the Employments tnemfeives can never hinder. But you will fay, when is the f afota of nou.- rifhing fuch thoughts ? I anfwer, Entertain thofe thoughts as, it may be, you have done fome friends, who came to you at that time you had bufinefs with ftrangers, whom you love not fo well as Tour friends ; you have defined thern to Ray a hilg