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32 Of appyiug the .fbfolute Promifes. i. If he be in Covenant, and knows it, then )'ata may eafily perceive how and when he ought to apply promifes unto himfelf : For he may boldly conclude ; If God be his God, then all the Promifos of God Ihall be good unto him ; if he be a Son of God he m av boldly chal- lenge at all times at the hands of God, (nay, in fome refpeas, at the hands of juiiice it Pelf) the fulfilling of God the Father's will delivered in the feveral f.erTacies of the pomife bought by the blood, and fealed by the fame blood of Jefus Chrift, that they may arrd Thall be made good unto him : that is clear. 2. If he be in Cav:wnt, and knows it nct, and questions hence whether God is his or not, and consequently, whether the promifes belong unto him ; then this rule is to be oblerved : let him fo fue and leek `or ttre good of the abfoiute pro- mile until by refleéting upon his own ads, herein he perceive himfelf adorned and dignified with the qualification of forne conditional promife ; and then if he can find the condition or quali- fication within himself, then as you judge and write, he may conclude, that the conditional promife belongs to him ;, and if one promife, then all God's promifes, and therefore that àbfo- lute promifes are his own, becaufe at leaf+ one conditional promife is. For no unregenerate man is within the compafs of any one conditional promife of grace, unlefs you will fay he is under the everlafting love of God ; the Promifes of grace being but the mid -way between the eternal purpofe and decree of love, and the glorious cer- tain