Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The Sincere Convrt. 87 are they for the prefent, and have been for the Feware Id, and moll part of the,m, without the laving means thwith of knowledg. They content themfelves , with difficulty.. their old fuperilitions ' having little or no preaching at all. And for theother part, as' Italy, Spain, France, Germany, for the molt part they are Popifh and fee the endofthefe men,z Thef.2 9,10,11,12-And now amonglt them that carry the badgeofhonefty, I will not fpeak what mine ears have heard and my heart believes concerning other Churches : I will come into our ownChurch of E which is the moll flourifhing Church in the Few (hall be fa world : never had Church fuch PreacherS, filch means ; yet have we noufome Chappels and Caved in Enz,n4 Churches fiand as dark Lanthorns without cor,t. light, where people are led with blind, or idle, 29, or licentious Minifter, & fo both fall into the ditch ? Nay even among them that have the means of grace, but few fhall be faved. It may be fometimes among ninety nine in a. Parifh, Chrift fends a Minifter to call fome one loft fheep among them, Mat. i 3. Three grounds were bad where the feed was fown, andonely one ground good. It's a ftrange fpeech of Chryfoftom in his fourth Sermon to the people of Antioch, wherebe was much beloved, and did much good : How many. do you think, though in ( faith he ) fhall be faved in this City ? It will Antioch be an hard fpeech to you, but i will fpeakit ; anhundred could not though here be fo many thouf,ands ofyou, yet be faved, there cannot befound an hundred that ,fhaltbe faved, andI donbt ofthem to ; for what vilany G. 4