-_ T : g ',-x+, -,l7ulr én 'rr +-.- 0^w +-,-.- ..- ;' ,k,y..'. '_'"..""'q.-, ` _=. 94 The Sincere Convert. Few ire as tobe perfecuted, and not yeild an inch,nor Caved, and fhrink in thewetting but ma refs manfully and that with courageoufly ítand it out in time of erfecuti ú fF- on , as the thorny ground did : fo zealous z Chronò thou mayeft be, as to like heft of, and_to flock 44435, 6. moor unto the moll zealous Preachers, that fearch men confciences heft as the whole Country of luded came flocking to ?ohn's Miniftry, and delighted to hear him for a lea- fon ; nay, thou mayel be zealous as to'takt fweet delight in doing ofall ,thefe things, - Ifs. 58.2.3. They delight in approaching near un. to God,yec come fbort ;of Heaven. ONO'. But thou wilt fay, True, many a man rides poll, that breaks his neck at latI : many a man is zealous, but his fire is foon quench'd, and his zeal is foon fpent ; they hold not our whereas I am conflant, and perfevere in godly courfes. tdnfv. So did that young man, yet he was a grace- lefs man, /Wat. i 9. 20. All thefethings have I donefrom myyouth what lackI yet ? It is true, hypocrites may perfevere, but they know themfelves to be naught all the while, and fo deceive others : But I am per- fwaded that I am in Gods favour, and in a cafe and happy eftate, fence I do all with a good heart for God. This thou mayell verily think of thySelf, Anfro. and yet be'deceived, and damned, and go to the Devil at l af}.There is a way(faith Solomon; °v14' that feemeth right to a man, bat theend there- o f ù the tray of death. For he is an H oerite not onl r that makes a feeming ooutwar et/ of