Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The SincereConvert. Few are the lots of all that thou haft, 'labour to go faved, and beyond art thofe that go fo far,and yet perifh that %Nil) at the laft. Do not fay, that feting fo few fhall difficuity. be faxed, therefore this difcouragethme from feeking, becaufeall my labour may be in vain. Confider that Chrift her makes another and a better ufe °fit, 1,14 1<, 3.24. Seeing that 'many fall feek and not enter, therefore( faithhe) ftrive to enter in at the gait Gate ; venture at leaft , and try what the Lord will do for thee. Wherein doth the child OfGod, ( and fo howmay I go beyond thefe Hypocrites that go fo far in three things principally. Wherein a Firft, no unregenerateman, though he g9. child of never fotarre, let him do never fo much, but God gce:h he lives in fome one fin or other, fecret open, littleor greaquoas went farre, but he beyond an - hYpocrite. le NUun- was covetous. Herodwent farre,but he loved regenerate his Herodias. Every dog bath his kennel ,every man but fwi,ne bathhis fwill, and every wicked man his iives in fome lull; for no unregenerate man hath fruition known fin. of God to content him, and there is no mans heart but it mufthave fame good to content it, wirlich good is to be found onely in the fountain of all good, and that is God or in the Ciilern, that is in the Creatures : fience a man having ion: full' content in God, he feeks and feeds upon contentment in the creature which he makes a God to him, and here lies his lull or fin,whiCh he mull needs live in. Hence, aske thofe menthat go very far, andcommend themfelves for their good clefires : i fay,ask them,