The Sincere Convert. i 97 them, if they have no fin ; Yes,' fay, they, Fw rc . who 'can live, without hn ? and fo they give that +i_h ,and way to fin, and therefore live in fin; Nay, difficulty., commonly, gall the the duties, prayers care; and zeal of the .befit Hypocrites are tohide al!. tuft as the' whore in the Proverbs that! . wipes her mouth, and goes to the Temp;le, and her vows , or to feed a lull as ehu his c:es pays ; like the zeal againí ,Baal was to get a, Kingdom. whore .n There retnaiìi\s a root of bitterness in the bell ?rcverba; HyToc.rites, ck' ich howfoever it be loft off orlike 3c-' fume times 'b fi hrefs or horror of confci -; ' zeala. y i againt{Bd- ence, and a man h th purpofesnever to com- mit again, yet there'': fecretly lurks ; and their own, though it feemeth to be bound and conquered ends. by the Word, or by Prayrr, or 6y outward Croffes, or while the hand ofGod is upon a man, yet the inward ftrength and power of it remains fill and thereforewhen tempta- tions, like fr'ong Philzf ines, are upon this man again he breaks all vows promi fes bonds of God, and will fave the life of his Secondly, No unre enerate roan or wo man eves, came to be poor in fpirir, and fo to "' Uore. be carried out ofal'l duties unto hrif : if it arenas were poffible for them to forfake and break poor !n loofe for ever from all fin, yet here they flick Spirit. as theScribes and Pharifees;and fo like zealous Paul before his conversion, they faded and prayed, and kept the Sabbath, hilt they refed in their legal righteoufnefs, and in the per- formance Of thefe and the like duties. Take the bell Hypocrite that hath the molt firong per - i fw tfio<i s