The Sincere Cgnvert, Thirdly, ifany u'nrenerate man comeun_ to Chri t he never .ets into Chri , that is never takes his ,eternal re and lodzng- in e us Chri t on! , H eb. 4. 4. followed Chri for t e Barg, he would have-the Bag and Chrif too. The youngman came unto Chriff to. be his Difciple, but would have Chriff and the worldtoo;they will not content themfelves with Chriff alone, nor with the world ,alone, but make their markets out of both, like whorifh wives,that will pleafe their husbands and others too. Ivien in difirefs of confcience, if they have'comfort from Chriff thy are contented; if they have falvation from Hell by Chriff, they fare contented ; but Chriff himfelfcontents them not. Thus far an hypocrite goes not. So much for the firff arine obfeved out of the Text. I come now to the fecond. D061".2.. That thofe that arelaved, arefa í`a`f.2. ved with much difficulty or it i a wonder ul difficult. ion ` f hard thing to befaved. The gate isífrait, and therefore a man' mull fweat and f?rive to enter ; both the entrance is difficult, and the pregrefs ofSalvation too. leftm Chrif is'not got with a wet finger. It is not wifhin and defirin, to be laved will brin men to eaven , e s mouth is full of goo wifhes. It is not, edging a tear at a Ser- mon, or blubbering now and then in-a corner, and fayingover thypryers, and crying God mercy for thy fins, will lave thee. It is not Lordhave mercy upon sus,will do thee good. It H2 is Few are Caved, and tha; with, difficulty. 3.' Llnrege. aerate men never take their tell in Christ onely.