Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

CO Few are faved, and tint with difficul y The Sincere Convert. is not coming,conflantly to Church ; thefe are eafie matters.But it is a toughwork,a wonder- ful bard matter to be faved,1 Pet.4 18. Hence the way to Heaven is compared to a rktzce, where a man mull put forth all bis flrength .a nd flretch every lirnb,and all to get forward. Hence a Chriflians life is compared to wrefl-- ling Ehp. 6. 12. All the pollicy and power of Hell buckle together againfl a Chriftian, therefore he mull look to himfelf, or elfe he falls. Hence it is compared tofighting,2 Tim. 4.7. a man mull fight againfl the Devil, the World,Himfelf, who fhoot poyfoned bullets in the foul, where a man mull kill or be killed. God hath not lined the way to Chrill with velvet, nor firmed' it with rufhes. He will never feed a flothful humour in man,who will be faved if Cbrifl and Heaven would drop in- to their mouths, and if any would bear their charges thither : If Chrift might be bOught for a few co Id wifhec And lazy defires,he would be of fmalomng arnongit men, who would fay, lightly come, lightlygo. Indeed Chrifis yok,.é is eafie in it felt', and when a man is gcyt into Chrill,nothing is fo fweet ; but for a carnal dull heart, it is hard to draw in it ; for., There are four flrait gates which everyone mull pals through before he can enter into Heaven. 1. There is the flrait gate ofThimilitation: God faveth none, but firfl be humbleth them; now it is hard to pafs through thegates and flames ofhell ; for a heart asftiffe as a flake to bow ; gaivation . compared to ft4hting. Four flrait Gates to be paff through before we can enter into flea- "en.