Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The Sincere Convert. I = 9 amaze the flouteft heart, and pluck down I , plumes, and make them fay,Is there 6vy mere fo great as to pafs by fuch fins, and to ptst up fuch wrongs, and to forgive filchfin's % a bts, one o fwhich alone may undo me, much therefù- many ? Fourthly, tl e underftandings Security or q.s.cttri fleeppinefs, whereby men never retied upon their own atlions, nor compare themwith the .ditd_f aiIìr rule; although they have knowledge of the hind aanc Law ofGod, yet it is with them, as it is with lzh, m .n men that have a fair glafs before them , never lee but never beholding themfelves in the glals, t# eia civs. they never fee their fpots. This is the woe of moil unregenerate men ; they want a reflebing power and light to judge of themfelves by, yer.8.6. You íhall have them think op a Ser mon, Her's for Inch a one, and fuch a one is touched here when it may be the lameSer- mon principally fpeaks ofthem.; but they ne- ver fay, This concerned) me, Iwasfound o.r,t through "the goodnefs of the Lord to day, and Purely the mar fpake unto noise but unto me, as if force body had told him what I have done. ' Mtn are And hence you (hall find out many lameì2pttofi)ake Chriftians that will yeild to all the truths de. cffLhofe livered in a Sermon, and commend it too, but ti°veso at goaway and (hake off all truths that ferve to convt nee convince them. And hence many men when ckeni. they examine themfelves in general, whether they have grace or no, whether they love Chrifi or no, they think yes,that they do with all their hearts ; yet they neither have this . grace or anyother, whatever they think; be I 4 caute