4 MaUs per- di°ion is of himfelf. The third aufk of ' n.t,ss de-' cèived., 1. 7he Sincere Convert. Thus much of the fecund caufe ofmans de- ceiving himfelf ; Falk peace in the confci- ence. Now followeth the third. I Ti. The corruptions and di(empers ofthe Wîl, w` ich is the third caufe why men deceive them felves which aremany,I will only name three: Firft, when theWill is refolved to go on in a finful courfe,and then fets the underltanding a work to defend it. Whence it farethwith the foul as with a man that coreth to fearch for ftollen goods, who having received a bribebe- fore-hand, fearcheth every where but where it is, and fo the rnan is never found out to be what he is : So a man having tamed the fweet- nefs of a finful courfe ('which pleafure bribes him) he is contented to fearch into every cor- ner of his heart, and to try himfelfas many do, except there where his dearling lufi lies; he fits gpon that, and covers it willingly from his own eyes, as Rachel did upon flollen gods, and fo never finds out himfel ;oh.3.2o. A man that bath a mind to fleep quietly, will caufe the curtains to be drawn, and will let fame light come in, but (huts out all that, or fo much as may hinder him from beeping fo a man having a mindto fleep in force parti- cular finfull courfe at his cafe , will fearch himfelf and let tome light come into his mind. Ard hence many prophane perfons that know much, ( their op.iniouS are orthodox, their d lcourfe favoury )- yet do they know lit le