Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The Sincere Convert; Now the reafons of this fecurity are thefe : Becaufe God pours not out the full mea- Cure of his wrath upon men, becaufe he kin- dles not the pile of wrath that lies upon men, it's referved, and concealed , not revealedfrom Heaven ; and fo long,let God frown,Minifters threaten, & fmaller judgementsdrop,yet they wil never feek thelter in jefus Chrif}, but fleep in their fins, until God rain down flouds of horror, blood, fire; until Gods arrows flick in mens hearts, they will never leek out of them- felves unto Jefus Chrifl-, Ecclef. 8. II. So long as Gods plagues were upon Pharaoh, he u,tyn,m,iveen' givech fair words, and Jilofes mull be fent to good pray for him ; but when Gods hand is taken words, but away, now Pharaohs heart is hardned : So when i is hay- have long as Gods fword is in his Scabbard, men they fuch flout hearts that they will never den their. yeild ; God mu[l wound, andcut deep, and hearts as flab, and thruft to the veryheart, elfe men F1'griwb; will never yeild, never awaken, till Gods fills be about mens ears,and he is dragging them to the flake , men will never awake and cryfor a pardon and deliverance of their,woful ellate. Secondly,becaufe if theydo in part feel,and fo Rear 2. fear Gods wrath, theyput away the evil day Why men far from them, they hope they (hall do better ruin thclu- f hereafter, and repent fame other time and elyes. therefore they fay, Soul, ear, drink,follow thy fports, cups, queans ' thou haft a treafure of time which fhall not be fpent in many years, Ifa. 22. 12, 13. that look as it is with the. Wax , let it be of never fo pliable a difpofition 145 Mans per- dition is of hiMfelf. Reafons of fecurity., Reaf. i. Why men ruin them- felves. Naht So lovg as (3 ()cis wrath lies