Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

148 TheSincere Converta Mans pet." dit ion men take morecontent in their cups andcards, is of himfelf. pots and pipes, dogs and hawks, then in the fellowrnip of God &Chria,inWord,in Prayer, Wicked in Meditation, , which ordinances are burden men take and 'prifon unto them, What is the reafon more plea- of it?Is there no more fvfétneff in the prefence Cure in lufts'olatn of Gods fmiling in Chrift, than in a filthy in the fel. Whore ? Yes, bntthefknownot theworth; lowfhip of fweetnefs, fatisfying goodnefs of a God.Some G od and fea. fifh(fay they)ifonce they come into frefh- Cfain. Water, will never return again, becaufe they now tall a differencebetween thofe brackifh & fweet waters fo is it here,ifmen didbut once tail the happinefs of Gods people, they would not for a thoufand worlds be one half hour in their wild bole lea again. Rearon, sly. Becaufe if they do know abeter Why men ruinethern yet their prefent pleafures, their floth doth fo jelycs, , bewitch them,and 'Gods denials when they leek unto him, do 'fo far dilcourage them,that they deep ftiJl fecurly in that cage. A flothful heartsbewitch'd with perfent eafe, & pleafures anddelights, conlidering many a tear many a prayer muft it make , many a night muil it break its fleep, many a weary Rep mull it take towards Heaven and Chriff, if ever it come there, grows difcouraged and deleted, and hard-hearted in a sleepy &ate and had ra- ther have a bird io the hand, then two in the Pro. T 6g.fh. The Ifraelites wifhed that they were Jer.42.11. at their onyons & garlickagain inEgypt.Was there no Canaan? Yes, but they withed'fobe- caufe there were wals built up to heaven, and Giants [on; ofAnakin the land,iifficulties to over-_ '11