Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

g52 The Sincere Convert. Mins per. to the fire if . there beanywa to efcape ? O at n get thy heartto lament and mourn under th off himCetf. o y y rte-V'rniferies, who knows then but the Lord may pity thee ? But oh hard heart I thou caner men mourn for loffes and croffes,burningof goods mourn for and houfes, yet though God be loa, and his the Hs of ` Imageburnt down, and all is gone, thou canfc, goods but not mour. If chine heart were truly affeded, z,os the the pillow would be waffled with thy tears and God, the Wife in thy bofome would be witnefs of thy heart breakings in midnight for thofe fins which have grieved the Spirit of God many a time, thou couldeft not fleep quietly nor com- fortably without aff prance. If you were flick Ito death, Phyfitians fhould hear how you do ; and if you were humbled, we fhould have you din the birternefs of your fpirit'cry our, What fh_Ill we do ? But know it, thou muff mourn here or in Hell. If God broke Davids bones for his adultery, and the Angels backs for their pride the Lord, if ever he faves thee e17 Will break, thin ieart too. eirlrF.r. ; Deft. But thou wilt fay , How (hall -I How to do to get mine heart affeded with my mife- o air®- ; r kenheart. y' Two 1 Anfw. 1. Take a full view of thy mifery. things hat- ` Take fpecial notice of the. Lords res.- den the ! dincfs and willingnefs to receive thee yet heart. J. !unto mercy ; for two things harden the s h ti i rdh3 ht z. .Falfe hope, whereby a man hopes th It nei- he is not fo bad as indeed he is. 2. No -tiler met- hoope, whereby a man when ,he fees himfelf cy nor fo notorioufly bad , thinks there is no jud;ement willingnefs in the Lord to pardon or re- ceive l break,