5 6 TheSincere Convert. Mans per- If ten have , &Hon is 3 no peace here, then they flue of,hiraceif. to aid reft in thegoodnefs of their infides : you .will have many a mar4 whom ifyou lot- If no - low to his Chamber, you fhall finde very de- peace your, and they pray heartily for the mercy of come God, and forgiveneis offms : but follow them rotn tito- out oftheir Charabtrs, watch their difeourfe, you fhall find it frothy andvain, and now and then powdredwi[h faith, anct troth, and ob- fcene fpeeches. Watch them when they are tar pro- feffion, mcn fiie lo their iToct in- tides. I 'croft, you fhall fee them as angry as Wafps, and fwell like Turkies, and fo fpit out their venome like Dragons. Watch them in their journi-es, and you (hail fee them (hoot into an Ale- houfe, and there fwill and fwagger, and be familiar with the fcum of the Cboun- try for prophanenefs, and half drunk too fometimes. Watch them on the Lords day , take them out of the Church once, and let afide their bet' cloaths, and they are the fame as at another time ; and becaufe they muff. not work nor.fport that day, they think theymay with a good tonfcience fleep the longer on the morning. Ask now fuch men how they hope to be faved, feeirg their lives are fo bad ; they fay though they make not fuch (hews, they know what good prayers,they make in pri- vate, their hearts, they fay, are good'. 1, tell ye brethren, he that truffeth to his own heart and his good de-fires, and fo reftcth in them, is a fool. I have heard of a man that would haunt theTavernsand Theaters, and Whore- houfes at London all day ; but he durWnot go forth without private prayer in a morning, and