Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

._.,.. ___ _. The Sincere Convert i ez ----- M31 pee 7. If they have no refl here in their morality, dttion is of they grow hot within, and turn marvellous hirnfcif. zealOus for good caufe and.courfes, and there L-"` v% they flay and warm themfelves at, their own Ifnocoin - fire:thus Parsl, Phil.3.7.was zealoass,and'there fortintuo- refted. They will not live as teary do, like rality,they Snails in their fhels, butratt:lerthen they will turn ors for ea- be damned for want ofdoing, they are content ocid cau- to give away their eflgte, children, any thing ,ts RO,. almofl o get pardon for the fin of their foul, a,.1®. Mich.6.7. 8. 8. if they find no help from hence, but are Ifno cots - fort for forced to fee and fay, When they have done zeai in all, they are unprofitablefervants, and they g000canfe fin in all that which they do then they reft ,they turn in that which is like to Evangelical obedi- t° moor - [}iog or e.nce, they think to pleafe God by mourn- the; .ai ing for their failings in their good duties, de- nags, firing to be better, and promifìng the rime to 0, come to be fo and therein ref Dent. 5,. Ifno comfort in 29. their 9. If they feel a want ofall there, then they mourning, dig within themfelves for power to leave fin, for their power to be more holy and humble, and fo, failing, think to work out themfelves;in time, out of they,eek this elate, and fo they dig for peals in'their for o,k-er y b p fn rhem- own dunghils,and will not be beholding to the felves to be Lord ?efus; to live on him in the want of all; more holy; they think to fet up themfelves out of their, 1 ° own flock, without e us Chri frrtin d fo as the Ifni com- . an Prophet Hofea (peaks, 14. ;,4. think to fave'themfe,ves therfelves,by their -ridings on her(es,(that is) they go to by their own abilities. ; Chrii like. 1 o. If they feel no help here, then theygo' foretheir M Unto own ends;