7hi Sincere Convert. t6/ fins fubdued and removed, and if they find Mans per- dition is of power to dobetter, then they hope they Chan hiudelf. be faved : Whereas thou mavfl be darnned,and go to the Devil at the taft, although thou dolt efcape all the pollutions of the world, and that not from thy felfand flrength, but from the knowledge of 7044 Chrift, 2 Pet.2.20. !lay It lswhfi WO to you for ever ifyou die in his eflate; it many is with our Chriflians in this cafe, as it is iith ChrEiaLT the Ivy, which clafps and groweth about the , ais,,71:170 Tree, & draws lap from the Tree,but it grows get fap not one with the Tree,becaufe it is not ingraff- from ed into theTtee , fo many a foul cornett, to Chrift,bUt Chrift, to fuck juice fromChrift to maintain his own berries,(his own flock of grace)alafs, he is but Ivy ,he is no member or branch ofthis tree, and hence he never grows tobe one with Chria. 2. Now the reafons why men refl in their duties, are thele. Firft, becaufe it's natural to a man out of Chrift to do fo. Adam and all his pofterity was tobe faved by his doing, Da tliis and live, work and here is thy wages, win life and wear it.Hence all his poflerity feeks to this day to be lived by doing - Like Father,likefan. Now to come out all duties truely to a Chrift, hath not fomuch as a coat in innocent,much lefs cor- rupted nature ; hence men feek to themfelves. Now as it is with a Bankrupt, when his flockù ffrent,and his eflate crackt, before he will turn Prentice or live upon another , he will turn Pedler of fmall Wares, and fo follow his ad Trade with a lefs flock fo men naturally fol- low their old Trade of Doing, andhope to get, M 2 their I grows not one with Clirift,be- caule not graffed, Why Men do reft their good ditties, Rear i. It it natu. ral to fay Do this and live.