Ilmosolim The Contents, Wicked men are afraid to fee their own miferies. I i I Ten ways howwickedandprofane men deceive theinf'clves in theirfpiritual efates,byfceing t hemfelve's through falfeglaffes. 112 How the /7Ker fort ofmen deceive them/elves. t 13 Seven di fempers in the mind, whereby the.Per ne fort of men are deceived. I . Arroganrj. -I 14. 2. Obit i n acy. 3 . p.115. Obfcurity. 118. 4. Security. p.119 5. Im- piety. 1 20. 6. Idolatry. 123. 7. Error.In the under Handing ;in five partifalars.I.In judging troubles of mind.' 26. 2. in ju ing ftriving of conscience. 127 3 i judging o f,rncerity ofheart. 129. 4. In judging Coda love. i -,u. 5 In judging the power o ffin. 13 I How fare peace is bred in thefoulfourfeveral wayes. I. B, Satan. 13 3 . in 5. Particulars. I. By his remo -- ,,ng thofefins that trouble the confcience. 134. 2. By liberty in fin, 135. 3. By unlawful rife of lawful things, 13 6. 4.. 13y giving thefocal refs andPeep, ibid. 5. By fair promifes of heaven,' 3 7. 2,Ry flattering falfe teachers,ib. 3 .Eya falfefpirit, fivefeveral ways, 139. 4. By a falfe applying the promifes, 141 Corruptions and di crispers of thewill, a 3d cai, or way howmen deceive themfelves, three wayes, 142 The fecondgeneral reafcn or way how men rt:in them - /elves, is carnalfecurity, 144 Ileafons offecurity difcovered in ten particulars, 145 AnExhortation to awake out of fecurity, 15 I InftruCtions how to get- a broken heart, 152 The 3 d general rearon or way how men ruin themfelves, is carnal Confidence, whereby men feek tofave them- felves by reftin - in their dutiesand performances,' 54 Wherein mens rtfing in duties appears, /hewed at large ibid. Four reafons given why men ref in their duties, 163 The great danger in ruing upon duties, /65. Signs in ten particulars,