176 The Sincere Convert. Mans per- ranee without flattering himfelf, 2 Pet. 1. 8, dition isof, himra, 19, 10. 'Duties therefore being evidences and I pledges of falvation , ufe them to that end, and make much of them therefore; as a man that bath a fair evidence for his Lordfhip, be caufe hedid not purchafe his Lordifhip, will he therefore calf it away ? No, no, becaufe it is an evidence to allure him, that it is his own ; and fo to defend him againft all fuch as leek to take it from him, he will carefully preferve the fame : fobecaufe duties do not fave thee, wilt thou calk away good duties ? No, for they are evidences ( ifthou art in Chrift ) that the Lordand mercy, is thine own. Women will not caft away their love-teketes, although they are filch things as did not purchafeor merit the loveof their Husbands, but becaufe they are tokens of his love, therefore they keep them fafe. tire 2. That God the Father of our Lord 7efuis ood du- Chrift may be honoured by the performance ties honor ofthere duties, thereforeufe them : Chrift God being ufed. (bed his blood that he might purchafe unto hirrifelf a people z,ealotu of podworks, Tit. 2. 14. not to fave our fouls by them, but to ho- nour him. Oh let not the bloudof Chrift be filed ìn vain ! Grace and good duties are a Chriflians Crown . it is fin onely makes a man bale : Now ?hall a King caft away his Crown, becaufe he bought not his Kingdome by it ? No, becaufe it is his Ornament and glo ry to wear it when be is made a King; fo I fay unto thee, it is better that Chrift ihould be honoured, than thy foul faxed ; and therefore perform