Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

.- . -_- The S9neere Convert, 177 Man per- perform duties, becaufe they honourthe Lord clí.,inn'suf lefus Chrift. Thus ufe thy duties, but ref not hiraIeif. in duties ., nay,go out ofduties ,and match thy ,' - foul to the Lord Jefus : take him for better and for worfe, fo live in him and upon him all thy dayes. Fourthly,by reafonofmans headstrong pre- Thefourth fumptian, or falle faith, whereby men feek to general themfelves by catching hold on Chri reafon f lave Y <` . rrban ruin. when they fee an infufficiency in all duties to help them, & themfelves unworthy of mercy for this is the tall and moil dangerous rock that thefe tithes are fplit upon. Men make abridge of their own to carry them to Chrift ; I mean, they look not after faith wrought by anromni- potentpower, which the eternal Spirit of the EPh.1. 10. Lord yefIMmull workjn them ; but they con -1 tent themfelves with a faith of their own forH Bingand fi'anoing,& hence they think verily,& beleeve, that Chriíl is their /"weeet Sa 'iour,{ and fodoubt not but they are fafe, when there, is no fuch matter, but even as dogs they fnatch away childrens bread, and fhall be Ihut out of doors( out of Heaven hereafter for ever) for their labour. All men are of this opinion, That there is mien he_ no falvation but by the merits of ?eftu. Chi 7 eve no and becaufe they hold fail this opinion, thet'e- falvacion fore - they think they hold fait yer`a Chri f the hand of faith, and fo perifh by catching at P fo think their own catch, and hanging on their own theyhold fancy and fhadow. Someotherscatch hold of Chrift in Chrift before theycome to feel the want offaith f to nd and ability to beleeve, and catching holdon N him