Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

THE SAINTS JEWEL, Shewing 'how to apply the Promile. Having thefe Promifes, dearly beloved, let sm cleanfe our (elves from all fithinefs of the flefh andfirit,perfe5ing holinefs in thefear of God,z Cor.7.I. THC Apoftle Paul in the former Chapter, exhorteth the Corinthians to beware of unequal yoking themfelves with unbelievers, and he gives a doubleargument for it,one from the unequalnefs of it, theother from the pro - miles, as in myText, Having thefe Promi/es. In thefe words are three parts. Fir{}, a loving Appellation, in thefe words, I Having thefepr. ornifes dearly beloved. A gracious Exhortation,Let su cleanfe our 2. felves from all filthinefs of flefh andfliirit, per- feíingholinefs in thefear of God. AnArgument for Inligation or Motive that heufeth to prefs his Exhortation,which is from 3 the nature of the promife. That which is in the Taft part of the divifion, is Kra in order of the words, and therefore we will look upon the words as they lie in order : and fo from the laft part and fird} words,I (hall handle this Dot`}rine. That God made manypromifes unto Isis people. I am come to you this daynot to fet out un- to you the excellency ofwit or learning,or the N 4 crea- {