Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

186. The Saints 9ewel. many promifes unto his people ? let us try our felves, whether we have any right to the promifes,or no ; I will name but one note that you may the better remember it, & it is a true G. al one, for you íhall find it inScripture. But the Scripture bath concludedall underfin,that the promife by faith in 7efus Chrif, ,might be liven to them that beleeve.So that you may fee it is to thern,and to them onely that beleeve : he that can exercife faith in the promife, hath right to the promife, Foryewalkbyfaith not byfight. aCor.1.7 If Chriítians be in affliction, and fee that it loth them good, then it is eafie to beleeve that Rom 8. pro-Life which Godhath made, All things (hall z$' word together forthe good ofthem that love God. But to beleeve this promife, when we cannot fee any good come ofafllicion, that is to be- leeve by faith and not by fight : but when we can fee no good come by affli&ion, but find our hives more dead and dull, and allo God to frown upon us, and yet we truf} in God, and beleeve the promife , and flay our fouls upon Gods word this is to live by faith,as we arecommanded. Who ù amongyou that fear- eth the. Lord, that obeyeth the voice ofhisfer- vant, that walketh in darknefs and bath no light ? Let him troll' in the nameofthe Lord, and flay upon his God. Faithmaketh things abfent, tobe prelim, and maketh the promife Fhb, a Li. good tous, though things feem to thwart the promife never fo much. Nowfaith it theTub- fiance of things hopedfor,. and the evidence of Rom.q. z8 things not Peen with the eye of fence. As A- 1 Graham beleeved againft hope, that he fhould have i. ,_..tSrU