Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The Saints Yowl. have a child,according as God had promifed fo muft we truft God upon a naked promife, that if health íhould be gone, or wealth ,liber- ty,f}rength,friends, yea life it felf almoft gone, and God feems to be gone, and hell to be threatned, yet í}i11 to truft in God, and be- leeve, this is to live by faith,and comfort is in the promife for all fuch ; but I fpeak now to I Gods people. The fecond ufe of this Do&rine is,That fee- fife ing God hath made many promifesunto his Ofcom- people, it is a groundof comfort unto them fort to the all, that though they go up'and down fad, as godly ifthey were the worlt people in the world, yet have they theonly caufe to rejoyce, and they only in all the world. Forhere is comfort a- gainft all their fins, God bath promifed todo them away. Iam he that blotteth out thyfins, Ifa.41. 45, for mine own names faire ; comfort thy felf, Chrift is thine. I am my beloved,and my be- loved is mfne ; if therefore there be enough in Chrifts merits,hold up thyhead and take com- fort to thy felt. Oh but faith the poor foul,I find fin prevail, Objet. and howcan I then be comforted ? lira :v. T anfwer look into that place ofScripture, .Ì Iwillfubdue your iniquities, and caflyour fins 1C'E' in the midfi of the Sea,and in the twenty verfe, you may fee the oath of God,for the truth & mercy ofthe promifewas-gone forth before. But faith the foul, Tha Devil will bebufie Obja with me where ever I go, and how can I be lnîw. chearful ? Rom.z6. I anfwer, God bath faid it, Ixvilitreaddown ac,, Satan'