Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The Saints Tewel. Satan underyourfeet Aortly. Comfort thy felf in this, though Satan may trouble thee for a time, yet thou thalt have him under thy feet fhortly. Objeei. Oh but again faith the foul, I (hall meet with abundance of oppotition in the world, and I am not able to make my party good, and Anfro how can I then rejoyce ? . prov. I: Ì I anfwer, flee thou to the promifeagainft that alfo, as where it is faid, Though hand joyn in hand, &c. Though men joyn them- felves together , and ftrike hands, even with the Devil againft Gods children, yet (ball they not overcome t hem. But alas faith a poor foul, I am in prefent want of outwardcomfort, and how fhould I be comfortable in fuch a condition ? Anrro. I anfwer, It maybe God dealeth with thee in this, as a mother with her children, who takes away the vietuals from the children for a while, and puts into the Cupboard, but after- wards (he giveth it them again. So fometimes God taketh away thefe outward things, and locketh them up for,a while in the Cupboard which is irt the promile, and when he feeth it belt for us; he giveth it us again : and thus he did with. ?ob, He, took away all his outward comforts, and left him fo poor, as it is a pro- job.I.I I. verb at this day ( As poor as rob : )but after etc a while, Goddid not only reftoreunto himhis former comforts, but gave him double : And this was written for thy, comfort and the firength of thy patience : comfort 'thy felf: therefore,happinefs is above thecreature. 05jed. But