Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

TheSaints Patel. 189 But I Thal! meet with many mocks. and re- objea. proaches in the world. Anfw.Let us comfort our felves against this objcí . with Gods promìfes :. let us do as the covetous man in the Poet, who being mocked as he went in the hreets, went home & looked into his Clofet, and there Peeing his bags ofgold, rejoyced in his wealth, and fcorned all their reproaches: fo whenweare mocked & tcorned ofmen of theworld, let us look into the Bible, and we Thallfind bags ofpromifes, true trea= lure, and therein let us rejoyce. But it may be the poorfoul wil fay,Alafs Ivan- objet. not go to God byprayer to fetch comfort,or if I do pray,it is with fo much coldnefs and dead - nefs,as I cannot beleeve I Thai obtain any thing. I anfwer, though it be fo, yet beleeve and An*m. thou Thalt have thy defire, though it may be thou cant but chatter,and though others hear- ing thee, regard it noti yet God will fay, let me hear thee, andas a father loves to hear his child prattle, though others regard it not, fo God loveth to hear his children pray. But oh,I amafraid ofdeath,and that taketh objcc7. away all my joyand comfort. I anfwer, thou mayeft comfort thy felfa- A vfiv. gainft that,yea and make death it felf a ground of comfort and joy to thy felf. If a child be at board from his fathers houfe, though he be at play With his fellows, yet if he fee horfe and man come to fetch him, he is glad, and leaves his play and companions togo home to his fa- ther willingly : fo here we are at board in the world, and we are at play, as it were, among the