THE SINCERE CONVERT. t3ifcovering the fmall number of true B s L 8 8 V$ R 3. CHAI'.I. That there is A God, and this God it moll glorious. m Exod.33.18. Xbefeech thee Shewme thy glory. piropa His is the firs divineTruth, o etk 1,4 and there arehefe twoparts confiderable in it. by' i .Thatthere isa God. z. That this God is moil glo I will begin with the fi.rft Th frff part, and prove(omitting twinyPhilofcphical Princip°e. Arguments)That there is a God,a trueGod; for everyNarign almoft in the world,until hri{is coming, had a feveral God. Sr meworíhippcd hd SNn, fome the Moon, called by Ezekiel, The Rzten of Heaven , which fome made B Ckes; ,