..ty'.vt_+_y--i c . X.._..-M r 1go The Saints the ceatures, but when death comes, which is as horfe and man, we fhouldbe willing to go to our Fathers houfe,which is belt ofall. Ob;ebt. But I am afraid if fuffering times fhould come,! fhould never be able toRand out. Anfw. If God call thee tofuferin :s, he will'ive thegrace uta e tot ycon ition., he will not _ Cor.i; . fuf'er rc to be temptedabove that we are ab, to, but will with the temptationalfo make a way to efcape, that we may be able to bear it. ObjeEt. But alas, I am afraid I flail fall away from God,and that continual fear thereof,doth take away all mycomfort. Anfwer, None can pluck thee out ofChrifls hand, neither fin nor Devil ; fhe were a cruel mother that wouldcaft her child into the fire ; Christ muff do fo, if thou fhouldeft go tohell; yea more, if that fhould be fo,he fhould rend a member from him felf, for he is thy head,and thou art one of his members : therefore for The per- thy comfort know this cannot be; the Lord pe uuy of Gods love faith,/ will make aneverla f ing covenant wit. to his. them,that I will notturn allay from them to do}' them good. But you may fay perhaps, I !hall turn from him ; fee therefore what followeth in the fame verfe, Iwill put my fear into their hearts, and they fhallnot depart fromme. °Neff. This is good news, it maybe the poor crea- ture will fay, ill had right to the promife,but alas I cannot beleeve,and take a naked; promife. Anfw.' Doeft .thou defire to " eve and to Arw have Chrift,and calla thou fay thy? Ifit were pofiible Heaven and Chriftcould qi feparated, I would rather have Christ without Heaven, then