The Saints Yowl. 191 then Heaven without Chrift; then comfort thy felf,for God bath promifed, Ivaillgive to him that thirflethof thewater oflifefreely. But this is a hard matter, and cannot fay, I truly defire Chria on fuck terms as I fhould. But is it a grief to thy heart that thou canft not deny thy felf, and defireft rather then be crated from Chrift, to clofe withChrift, even upon any terms ? is it thy burthen, be- caufe thou canft not defire to beleeve as thou íhouldeft ? Then comfort thy felf, Godwill ac- cept the willfor the deed in this cafe. But the foul objeaethand faith,Alas I am fo far frombeing grieved as I ought,that I rather find a heart that will not grieveand mourn for fin, I cannot find breakings of heart for it. For thy comfort, I will come one flep lower to thee, haft thou any will to it ? Mark this place,ifany'place in the whole Scripture be for thee, here it is in the laft wordsof this verfe. ,Ind whofoever will,let him take, ofthe water of lifefreely. But it may be the wicked will fay,I will have Chrift : but flay, not ,every one that faith fo Shall have Chrift, but art thou willing to part with thy fins, & it may be to part with health, wealth, liberty, friends,yea and your own life alfo?what fay you?Are you willing upon thefe terms ? But the poor foul faith again,' fear I (hall ne- ver do this. But art thou' willing that Chrift fhould make theewilling, and pitch thee upon a promife, and fhould hold thee there ? Ifthou cant find thefe things , then comfort thy fel f, Objeîf. An f iv. i Cor.8. r s. Objea. Anfw. Ite.c. a s;, i'