192 Z1fc 3. Of terror to the nicked. I. 2. The Saints fell, for thou haft right unto Gods promife. The third ufe is, Seeing God hath made ma- ny promifes untò his people, this is terrour to the wicked. Here are many in this congregati- on, to whom I have not Ip ken one word in the lath ufe ofcomfort, nowGod feeds other news to you, therefore put it not offfròmyou, if T provenot what I fayby Scripture, beleeve me not; what I have laid for the comfort of Gods people, I mull: fay the contrary unto you. firPt, as Gods children have their names written in Gods Book,fo you have your names written alfo, but it is in the black Book of Gods wrath. Secondly, as Gods children have a mark fet on their foreheads, fo there is a mark fet on you, but it is a woful one, for though I judge you not, yet I am perfwaded the Devil bath fet his blak mark with a brand from hell on fome ofyou : yea a man may gather fromyour very faces almoff, what fome ofvou are, but the day of judgement will hilly difcover you all. But in the mean time, know this, who- foever you are that are under your natural condition, you are under Gods curie, as it is, If any (hall hear the words o fthis curfe, and blefs .imfelf in his heart,faying,Ifall have peace though I ' walkjn the imagination ofmy' heart, &c. Then the Lord will not 'parehim, but theanger of the Lord andhis jealoufeihall (Moak, again' that man, and allthe curfes of tbif bock' all be upon him, and the LordJhall blot out'his name fromunder Heaven Alfa, Twill Men in !heir na- turaI con- dition are under the curie. Deu 9. 19,2 o,