Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The Saints lewd 193 I hop up mifchief JOH, atte I Will TN liCtit 3 Z. fendmine arrows on yo Oh what a heavy 23. thing is this,' pray you confider faddy ; rot to have right to Gods proinifes, is thecondition of a man that is curfed, and miferable in his life,at his death,and after his death. YOU rich Gentlemen and Gentlewomen, give me leave to fpeak to you, I pray you con- fider thus much, if you have not right to Gods promifes, the curie of God is flarnped on e- very crofs and penny, and upon-every thing you have.; See but this place, Ihave curfed zz.34 your bleffings, faith the Lord, asif he thou Id f1:11' obtlef" have faid, though I have given plenty ofcorn,th'elswick,d and money, and other things, yet they are to are mies. you but curfes, an4 is not this a very fad thing : give me leave to deal plainly, it is as if a man had but two pence in all the world, and he fhould go and buy aHalter with it, to hanghimfelf ; yea further,all that thou hail in this condition, is but as if thou fbouldfl twill a cord, together to hang thy foul in hell. And toyou ofthe poorer fort,that have not aaright" to the promife,you are ina miferablecondition, for you are both miferable here andhereafter alfo.lfracl loath not returned to him that/mote them, neither do theyfeekunto the Lord, there- fore the Lord will cut offfrom.them both head and tail, branch and rufh in one day. Again, whatfoever you do inyour calling is accurfed unto you,yea,your praying,reading,heating, failing andmourning,all is fin;for,Thefacrifice of the wicked is an abomination onto the Lord. :Fr°`15""' But if it be fo,may thefe wicked men fay,tliat'ObjeCt. O our