Z94 The Saints etvel. our beft duties are fin,why fhould We perform any duties,either praying,hearing,or the like? .Anfw. ; In anfwer to this, know for certain whiles thou art in this condition, thou art ina bad MOM. condition, for every thing you do is fin. "Unto 1 the pure all things Are pere : hot unto them that are defiled, and unbeleeving, nothing is pure, but even their minder 4nd confciences are defi- led. Sothat to you, to perform duty it is fin, or not to perform duty is fin : but yet omit not duty,for though in performing duty thou To finneft,yet not to perform duty,is a double fin. neg- led duYfet 1 To performduty, whiles thou art in thy na- is a double tusal condition is fin for the manner, becalife fin. though thoumayeft do the duty for fubftance, as pray, hear, confer, or the like, yet becaufe thoudolt want a principle ofgrace, nothing is done aright, and fo wanteth acceptance : but to negleft duty is a fin,in regardofmatter and manner alfo ; for as it is knfulnefs it felfnot to do the duty, fo it is fin tohave the heart not rightly difpofed for the manner ofperform- ance . it is with youas it was with theLepers, they faid among thcmfelves thus, Why fit we here till we die ? Ifwefay we will enter into the City,then the famine is in theCity, andwefhal die there, and ifWe fit frill here, we die alto : Now therefore let su come andfall lento the hoft of the Syrians, if they fave u live, we Ad live,And if they kill ui,we but die. So fay thou with thy felf, HI do duty, I fin ; and if I do not performduty, I commit a double fin ; but I will go- toduty : if Godwill fave me, I fhall live ; if not I canbut perish and for thy comfort,