Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

ih- .S tits Yf,irtl. a95 comfort,conlider ,it may beGod will calf an eye ofpity updn they°,thouart in the way,thatis the means God bath appointed to bringyou horse to Chrit: but yet until thy conditionhecharg- ed, all thoudoll is fin ; for, The very thor± hts ef the wicked are an abomination unto the Lord. But Oh flrat e ! though fro-brah.ds out of hell he (pitted in your faces, yet you are rot reach-bed affea:ed But it may be fome of you think to i penrance do it when you are fck, or upon your death- Crly be too bed but it may be too latet'hen,when God o- penechand awakeneth your confcience, and if you be not awakened hei.e, you (hall be lure to be awakened in bell. I remember I heard o a young prodigal, when he was dying, looked on the fire and fid', as that Ere burneth there, fo fhall my foul burn in hell. Another laid on his death-bed, Oh that I might live,. though it were but the life ofa Toad. God is very careful to fend his Angels for the godly but for the wicked, the Devil ftands.ready at his bed fide to fetch him into hell, as loon as his breath goethout ofhisbody, & then theywill cry out, Oh the time ofmercy that I have had, but now it is paft,the gate ofmercy is fhut,ne- ver more to be opened. But it may be yet fome will fay,Thanks be tò ÒbjcFi. God I am not in hell yet, and as long as Chere islife,there is hope. Oh fearful ! what hope fiil! ? read that place, Anix'. and tremble in reading of it The Lord of that Mar. 24, fervant (hail come iii a day, when he lookoth not $0,5 1. for him,& in tohúalr that he i5 net aware of,& jhall cot hiyn afssnder, and appoint him his por-- 0 2 tion --_ _--------..