Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

: The Sairts evel. t with him a whole day,&.lothnot believe him, will not that exceedingly grieve his friend, who promifed him fo to do, and fully intended; Belagio- no lei's ? Even fo is it with all thofe that are r'fie,4 Gods people,&will not believe whatGod hath' Clod. Paid unto them, but stand and pleadwith God, two or three years or more : as thofe that be- Clieve glori.fieGod,fo thofe that will not come in, rob God ofhis honour &glory, & grieve him. it argueth a greatdeal of prideof heart inthem, that they will not believe, becaufe they have not what they would,but fomething they mull: have ofthemfelves,like women that will not go to a fea{t,becaufe they have nothing to carry. Here is a great deal of unthankfulnefs,for all , that God bath .done for them, yea even for Chrift I hi,mfelf. Where we love, we are very thankful, and where we defire to be thankful, we will be willing to take a kindnefs. It arguecha great deal of impatience,when we wil not wait in away ofbelieving upon thero. - 4- mifès of grace,& cheerfully attendGods leifure. He that will not believe,gives God the lie;for, He that,beìieveth,&c.He that beleevethnot in cs 5. veryrordinance hecoms to,hemakethGod a lyer, becaufeeveryordinancebearethrecordof Chrift. Not to believe,is a denying of Gods power, or they will not,truít God,eípeciallyin a great `trait.: and by this we may fee what a many fins, 6. even.Gods people may commit in this cafe. lob. 5. Confider again in the fecond place what a to. fafe thing it is to believe, I fpeak to Gods peo- ple:As Surgeons when they let a man blood,bid himlook another way,fo when thedevil letteth 0 3 you FRENNIF