!98 The fafety of beleev. ing. rA.8.fiZ. TheSalntg over. youblood,that is,holdsyou poriil your cm- ruptioîYS,lookanother way,i :Iacono God,and then youfhallbe fafe fromthe};?evil,&theworld &your owncorruptions.And that yon maylay hold on thepro:tnifes of God,take heed of thofe lets and impediments that m'ht hinder you. cgv Sin is a let, for it will r thm promi_ fe out of our hands : But-your iniquities,&ca The fecond itnpedimentis,our doubtirgand wandring in our prayers, for, We rn.uf pray lifting up holy ha.tas,&c. The third impediment to believing is,ílai iflx fear,when we fear man more thenGol ,contra ry to that c©unfel,Fear not their feor,r'or be 4- fraid,c&c., The fourth let is, whenwe lay down ofletlging that might a:ffO'd íis I'elp,;aald draw Our felves to Gnd,a.nil in the 'szx.;:: an time-take up another, which cario w^:,r- help us : as when we lay d'own the priirriife,-; r:d rake up the -t5rea:eni.n ;. Vifi hly, when we fc`our mind too ruuè% on the c:~eatuye,or honours,&'feelc our own-bàfe- uefs,or worldly rleafiires: iri the next-place,take thefe helps to Ia`y hod on the pr.ort,ife Labour to live by faitli,inall f}raits, & con- ditions, andby faith fet,ch a iupplyl'or-àll your wants by the l;,rotxri:° from ClirtíF ", ` Sedondy,markthe prornife wéll;which is the ,o,roundofall comfart,i read them over`often. Do no; flutter up cdown fromOne promifc another, lint lie a great while oririotne One, arxl'wri<ng& fqueefe it by meditation upon` it Thirdly, apply the prortaife aright, do not think