vz.._ The Saints lewd. 199 think it belongeth not to you, beeaufe you have not that prefently which is propofed in it you mull know, that God fetteth not down the time when is (hall be fulfilled. Fourthly,re are towait patiently, & hum, 4. bly under our prefent condition ; until God grant our delire,Gods time is the bell time. $lefs God for all his prornifesbut efpecially 5, when they are made good to us. In the next place to thofe that yet Eland out, gp(4, iO3 and are not clofed with the promife, I entreat you, come in to God, take his gracious offer, lay hold on the promife : which that you may do,. take heed of thofe things that will be lets, acid hinder you. Take heedof ail !in, for theLord faith, your ns have Dept bac,good things fromyore. Take heed of fetting your mind too much upon the creatures,for they will íhut out God'" the Creator. Oldmen, doyou come home to) God,you+n.g men do you remember your Cre ator 1!n the dayes ofyour youth ; God this day callethyou,it may be he will never call more; How many bath the Lord ilruck with death and ficknefs ? and how foon it may be any of our turus,I knownot ; .fcknefs is a,n unfit time to get Chrift,and tomake our peacewithGod. Ifyou (land 11i11 youdie : if you go on in fin, you die : therefore turn from all your fin and come in and lay hold by faithOA the promife, that fo yemay live,and thi$ that I have fpoken unto you may not be in vain. 0 4 THE