Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

zGo Cbria compared to a eulrer THE SOULS INVITATION Unto jefus Chrift. Cant.5 .2.0pen unto me my,my Love,my Dove,my VndefUed ; for my heed 4c filledwith deo,and my tocks with the drops of the night. F OR the opening of thefe words a little, he- fore we come to the Doelrine,i mu[ t intreat you to look back to the beginning of theChat:- ter, where you may take notice, that though thefe words be the words of Solomon, yet they be fpoken;.n theperfon ofChrifl to the Church, and fó confequently to our poor fouls. in the words you it'lll obferve, the Lord Jefu. Chrift drawing neer to our poor fouls defirous to make ufe ofthem,or to draw us from the creatine& ourielves,orwhatfoevet elfewelove, to have familiar acquaintance with him felf. The Lord in there words , cloth like a fuiter, that is defireous to fpec,d of the errand he comes for, he comes not fo much to fpeak with the houfe, as with the party he loves in it : foit is withChrift, thereforehe defires to get the foul alone ; as a fuiter cloth, and there to make known his mindunto her, Jam come into my garden, my Sposefe, and thus Chrift cloth draw the foul into his Ordinances, that therehe might declare his mindunto her;when Chrift bath her in his Garden, which is no- thing but in the Ordinances, there he labours tocommend himfelfunto her what he is,and what !t