unto 7efi s ChrifL. what he is worth, Ihavegatheredmy myrrhe with my f ices, bat O friends,drink,yea drink abundantly,O beloved. Thus Chrif} juft like a fuiter, who when he comes to fpeak with one whom ha loves, and bath drawn the party afide, he loth make known his parts unto her ; give me leave to ufethis fimilitude,becaufe it is very fir. I fay, when a man bath got a woman afide, then he loth begin to brag and boat ofhim felf, before he will break his mind unto her, and fay,Wilt thou haveme ? themhe Both dif cover his wealth, and wits, and parts, and the like unto her,, fo dote Chrifl Icome it to my Garden, as if he Ihould fay; I have found this world before I came,a worldof curies;: bryers, thorns, and thii%les ; but now I will have you know I have purchafed a Garden,. and have brought the Welling of God into it, , I have made the curfed world a Garden, and have enriched it with comforts for ..your.fakes,-I am 4yi fin the come into my Garden, that is, by fin the (7rdi- oidinan_ nances were nothing but bufhes and b}rers to ees were catch you in, fo as thou art curled if thou fin- bio ns end neft in the leaf} meafure,but now, faith Clurif; [ have places of blefiings, a garden, and there I purchafed-into it myrrhe:with f(ices, I. have procured them with my blood, myrrhe with fpices,honey with the honey comb, and this have .I done. Is there ought worth in the world where withal I have not enriched it ? it was a place of bryers and thornsbefore' adorned it. WhenChrit bath thus let forth his excellency in the wayofhis Ordinances,for all fl ows from him, 20J