The Souls isittcioys him, then be doth draw and allure the crea- ture. Eat O friends,drink,yea drink,abundant- ily,Obeloved. air ill al- Even as when a fuiter bath faid, he is fo lureth the ; much worth, and tells her he will give it her foul toe- all, yea, and himfelf too : fo faithChrill, this brace him. worth,' and if you will have rie,all this will I give you, and my felftoo ; I have done all this for you fakes,that you might be my be- loved, and yet fee the fpoufe doth not anfwer fairly and demurely, but rather out of pride and hypocrifie, giveth Jefus Chrift a denial,as nt.í.1. tis, Iflept, but my heart waZeth ; and again, I have pit off my coat, "howJlall Iput it on ? erî.3. and though it be a common thing amongii men, todeny what they w uld have, yet to deal fo with 'God it. is a fin ; but Chriftwill ad- snit of no denial, but Chit continueth at the door knocking and faying, Open untome my ;Vert Y. Sifer,my Love,my Dove, do not deny me, be not fquenìit t ; for if this world be of a wilder- nefs made a garden, I made it as s. Garden for thee, and thereforeOpen unto me my dove,my , sndefiled,' for sry head isfilled with the drops of jthe dery ofthe night. My Love,J have taken all this pains day and night to make thee comely, for thee it was, and together with all thefe I will fatten my felf upon thee ,therefore. open my love, &c.what fweeter way could Chrift ufe to draw her to himfelf then this ? So much concerning the meaning of the words., fo that you may fee, the words be. nothing elfe but an earnek fuit okour Lord Jefus Chrift, (like a found lover) to