unto ylefas Chrt . to the fouls of poor'creatures,that he might make a match with them. That the Lord Jefus Chrift defireth to bean Dort. earneft Inter and a real fpeeder,between ever poor foul and himfelf. Firft, that the Lord is Inch an earnefl fuiter, I. and defiretI to be a real fpeeder, it is evident in that I have already opened untoyou. Non I will fing fong to my beloved of Lis Vine- 'raj' 5.1' yard. Who do ufe to fing longs of love; but thofe who are fuiters ? whovill a man be it familiar- with unlefs it be to one whom he lov- eth,- he faith he had a vineyard, fo that you may fee he is an earnefi miter, arictdefires to be a real fpeeder : What cenld he do morethen h( hath done ? 'a real fpeeder fain would he be. What Irth not (brill done to provoke a crutute-to accept of him, Greater love then this hdlh' no man, to lay down hi3. life for 19 friend It may lye, if a man he in love with a stgih, h&tvill'prOrnife her many things, yet not his life;Ind if he tell her he will tole his life for her, hc doth bùt complement ; but Jefus Chrift bath done fo already, lie bath not only given his life for his friends, but for his very enemic's,: Why will you die, Ohyog hotife of 1- Ezek.it. frael1 ac I live,faith theLord,1 defire it not. 31,3 2- What could the Lord do more to favepoor fouls [rem defiru6tion I fay, Chrifi is an earnefi fuiter, and defires tobe a real fpeeder, as appears by thefe following figns. Firft, he is content to take the journey from Heaven to earth.When a King is to be marry love rams ed and doth but fend over for the pieiure of Spore. fen-1cl